C3: Results

926 25 4

**RING** **RING**

All of them woke up by the alarm

"Well this is our last day at school and we're free" Han said

"But we'll still be together right?" I.N asked

"Maybe yes or maybe no cause we need to find jobs and build our own houses" Bang Chan said

I.N started to tear up

"Hey don't cry we'll still meet but we're gonna be busy because of our jobs" Y/N said

"Y/N's right I.N" Felix said

"And we need to find our girlfriends soon cause we'll die without girlfriends HAHAHAHA" Seungnim said

All of them laughed

"Get ready for school to see our exam results" Hyunjin said

"I hope we all fail so we can still be together HAHAHAHA" I.N said

All of them laughed

All of them got ready for school

"Let's go" Bang Chan said

All of them walked to school but before they walked to school someone recognized Y/N

"Hey Jennie is that Y/N?" Jisoo asked

"Yeah it's him let's greet him" Jennie said

Jisoo and Jennie walked to Y/N

"Hey Y/N" Jisoo greeted Y/N

"Hi Y/N" Jennie greeted Y/N

"Oh hi unnie's what brings you here?" Y/N asked

"We just saw you passing by and we decided to greet you" Jennie said and hugged you

"We miss you Y/N" Jisoo said and hugged you too

They pulled ou the hug

"How's school?" Jennie asked

"Good and we are going to school now to see our final exam results" Y/N said

"Oh goodluck with that" Jisoo said

"We'll get going or we will be late, bye" Y/N said and waved at Jennie and Jisoo

"Bye" Jisoo and Jennie said and waved at Y/N

Y/N walked past them and stray kids followed Y/N

"I forgot Y/N was the brother of the two kims of blackpink HAHAHAHA" Seungnim said

All of them laughed

"Cause Y/N dosen't look like them HAHAHAHA" Changbin said

All of them laughed again

"Yah I look like them but a male version" Y/N said

"If that's what you say" Seungnim said

They walked to the school and entered their room and they waited for their teacher to come inside the room to announce the scores

The teacher went inside the room and announced the scores

"I.N 89/100, Seungnim 86/100, Felix 85/100, Changbin 89/100, Bang Chan 89/100, Minho 87/100, Hyunjin 88/100, Han 88/100 and Y/N 91/100 Y/N got the highest score of all the students in this class, Good job Y/N, clap your hands for Y/N" The teacher said and announced the scores

"Congrats Y/N you did great" All of them said in the same time

"Thanks I should've had a low score if you guys didn't wake me up HAHAHAHA" Y/N said and laughed

All of them laughed

"You can now go home and next week is your graduation day so be ready students" The teacher said

"I'm so excited about the graduation" Felix said

"Me too and after that we are free but we'll go on our seperate ways after that" Bang Chan said

"What if we just audition to JYP, YG or SM to become an idol" Seungnim said

"I agree" Han said

All agreed except for Y/N

"How about you Y/N?" Bang Chan asked

"I don't want to be an idol I'll just support you guys" Y/N

"Are you sure Y/N?" I.N said

"Yeah i'm sure, being an idol is not my type" Y/N said

"But we will miss you" Felix said and started cry

"Hey don't cry i'll still support you guys and I will never ever forget you guys because I love you guys" Y/N said and started to cry too

All of them started to cry

All of them got back to their apartment

"Are you really sure Y/N" Felix asked Y/N

"I'm sure Felix don't worry about me i'll find myself a job" Y/N said

Felix hugged Y/N and started to cry again

"Hey stop crying I know you guys will miss me but in your hearts i'm still there" Y/N said

"Ok Y/N just support us if we become an idol" Felix said

"Yes i'll support you guys no matter what" Y/N said

Felix hugged Y/N for the last time and got out of Y/N's room and go to his room

Y/N dosen't know that he made the right choice to not join them

To be continued

(A/N: Hi guys if you have friends or someone you know reads wattpad please suggest my story thank you :) )

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