C6: Job

987 23 4

"Oh Hi Nayeon" Jisoo said

"Hi wait is that Y/N your brother?" Nayeon asked

"Yeah say hi Y/N" Jisoo said

"H-Hi" Y/N stuttered

"He's a bit shy cause he's a really big fan of twice" Jennie said

"Oh thank you, do you want a autograph?" Nayeon asked

"S-Sure" Y/N said

Nayeon autographed Y/N's Nayeon photo card in his wallet

"Let's take a selfie too" Nayeon said

Y/N and Nayeon took a selfie

"Thank you unnie" Y/N said

"You're welcome" Nayeon said

They're food arrived and the started to eat

After eating they decided to talk for a bit

"So Y/N how's your job" Jennie asked

"It's good but i'll be leaving the job and find another job" Y/N

"So what job will you find next?" Jisoo asked

"I don't know yet unnie" Y/N said

"How about being our manager" Nayeon said

"Are you sure your recruiting our brother to be your manager?" Jennie said

"I mean if he can do it that's good and if no-" Nayeon was cutted

"I'll accept it" Y/N said

'This will be good I can get close to them' Y/N thought

"Are you sure?" Jisoo asked

"I'm super sure" Y/N said

"But we'll need to ask Pd-nim first" Nayeon said

"It's okay I can talk to him" Y/N said

"Okay i'll bring you there now" Nayeon said

"I'll bring Y/N is that okay?" Nayeon asked

"Sure I think he really wants this job" Jisoo said and chuckled

Y/N and Nayeon got out of the restaurant and Nayeon called her driver to pick them up and drop them at the JYP ent. building

They arrived in the building and Nayeon guided Y/N to Jyp's office

"Goodluck Y/N" Nayeon said

"Thank you unnie" Y/N said and knocked on the door


"Come in" Jyp said

Y/N entered the office

"So what brings you here?" Jyp asked

"Uhm I want to apply as a manager for twice" Y/N said

"Do you know what my answer is?" Jyp asked

"Reje-" Y/N was cutted

"You're hired" Jyp said

"Wait for real?" Y/N asked

"Yeah you're the first one to apply so I accepted you already" Jyp said

"Thank you Pd-nim" Y/N said

"By the way you are going to live with twice" Jyp said

"Oh ok Pd-nim but when will I move to their dorm?" Y/N said

"You can move in today but if you are busy you can move tomorrow" Jyp said

"I'm not busy so I can move today" Y/N said

" That's good and goodluck being their manager you can leave my office now" Jyp said and smiled

"Oh thank you Pd-nim" Y/N said and left the office

When Y/N left the office he saw Nayeon waiting for him

"How did it go?" Nayeon asked

"I got accepted unnie and I can move in to twice's dorm" Y/N said

"Well that's good I can help you moving your things" Nayeon said

"Thank you unnie" Y/N said

Y/N and Nayeon got Y/N's stuff and put it in the van and they headed to twice's dorm

They arrived at the dorm and when they opened the door they saw Momo, Sana, Dahyun and Tzuyu at the couch

"Oh Hi Nayeon unnie who's that guy" Dahyun asked

"Oh it's Jisoo's Brother his name is Y/N" Nayeon said

"Oh the clumsy one now I remember HAHAHAHA" Dahyun said

All of them laughed

"He's our new manager so we better listen to him" Nayeon said

"For real?" Sana asked

"Yeah" Nayeon said

"Yayyy" Sana said and ran to you cutely and hugged you

"Cute" Y/N mumbled

Y/N didn't know that he mumbled loudly enough for sana to hear and sana hugged him tighter

"Sana stop hugging Y/N or he'll explode" Nayeon said

All of them laughed

Y/N go to his room and put his things and decided to nap

To be continued

(A/N: Hi guys if you have friends or someone you know reads wattpad please suggest my story thank you :) )

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