C11: Ask

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**KNOCK** ** KNOCK**

"Come in" Y/N said

Nayeon entered Y/N's room

"Oh hi Nayeon" Y/N said

"Hi" Nayeon said

"what brings you here" Y/N asked

"i'm just going to ask you if you want to eat lunch outside just you and me" Y/N said

"Sure but we need to get back early because you still have practice" Y/N said

Nayeon nodded

"Go get dressed now and I will get dressed too" Nayeon said

"Okay, but don't forget your mask and hat" Y/N said

Nayeon nodded

Y/N got ready and completed his morning routine

Y/N stepped downstairs and spotted Nayeon waiting for him on the couch

"Let's go" Nayeon said

Y/N Called their driver to drive them to the mall

-Time skip-

They arrived at the mall and entered the mall

"Where do you want to eat?" Y/N asked

"Let's go there" Nayeon pointed to fancy looking restaurant

'Bye bye money' Y/N thought

Y/N and Nayeon sat in a less populated area so that no one would recognize Nayeon

A waiter approached them

"What will be your orders?" The waiter said

"I'll just have a steak and can you please cook it to a medium rare" Nayeon said

"Sure, and how about you sir?" The waiter asked

"I'll just have the same meal as hers" Y/N

"Okay, how about drinks?" The waiter asked

"I'll have iced tea" Y/N said

"I'll just have water" Nayeon said

"Okay you're orders will be ready in a few minutes" The waiter said and walks away

"So how's the experience being our manager" Nayeon asked

"It's great" Y/N said

"I bet Sana, Jihyo, Tzuyu, Momo and Dahyun got the best experience being our manager" Nayeon said and chuckled

"W-What?" Shit did I stutter fuck i'm getting nervous

"Don't act like yo don't know" Nayeon said

"H-How'd you k-know" Did I stutter again shit

"Well you guys are being too loud" Nayeon said

"Tzuyu's lucky cause she's the youngest and she got fucked by our handsome and hot manager I think the oldest is jealous of the maknae" Nayeon said and smirked at Y/N

[HIATUS] Our one and only manager (Twice x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now