Chapter thirty one

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Jungkook's focus ..

Jungkook woke up to the doorbell beeping sound ,he tried ignoring but the beep continued in what seems like hours ,he grumbledly stood up and walked to his door to be met with an unexpected site 'his mom ' he took a while wondering why she was here before he opened the door pressing the security code ..

His mom looked him head to toe then her eyes roamed around the flat for quiet awhile before she settle on one of the sofa's .

Mr's Jeon - so Mr Jeon jungkook ,you have lost your manner that you can't even greet your own mother ..

Jungkook rolled his eyes before greeting her reluctantly .

Kook- hi Mom .

Mrs Jeon - hi to you too .

Kook- why are you here and why so early .

Mrs Jeon- can you get me a cup of coffee before asking me useless questions ,or don't I have the right to visit my child especially when you live at jeon's property.

Jungkook sloggishly walked into his kitchen and came back with two teacup of coffee ,he gave one to his mom who placed it at the center table after a sip,jungkook sat on one of his sofa's sipping his own coffee .

Mrs Jeon - well jungkook if you may know am here to ask you  what's your plan after your marriage with Mr Kim taehyung.

Kook- apart from being is spouse  I have no other plan .

Mrs Jeon angrily stood up her seat ,pacing up and down before she cleared her throat and sat back down  with an angry expression .

Mrs Jeon- jungkook did you forget our plans ,you get married to taehyung get pregnant and make him sign 50% of his shares to you and your son then you divorce him and invest that shares into our company.
Now need I remind you the reason for this Union is the money and profit we get from it except from that nothing more nothing less .am I clear jungkook .

Kook- I Know mom but you need not to remind me every chance you get and I need to ask you something ..

Mrs Jeon - okay ,what would that be .

Kook- how about I get the shares and give them to our company and still continue my union with taehyung , wouldn't it be cruel of us to leave him barehanded .

Mrs Jeon - no you can't jungkook ,if you stay with him who will run our companies affair .

Kook- I can still do that while married to taehyung ,mom could you please think about this through first ..

Mrs Jeon - I won't,my decision is final and make sure to keep this away from your father ,understood .

Kook- yes Mom ,now can you leave I want to go back to sleep .

Mrs Jeon stood up and walked to the door she turned to jungkook .

Mrs Jeon- your wedding is in a week time so start eating healthy and stop sleeping too much I wouldn't want you to be fat during your wedding understand .I will send some vitamins over to help you stay fit ..

Jungkook nodded as she left the house ,he wasn't surprised as to his mother's words cause that how she as always been wanting things to go her way .

He walked back to his room picking up his phone from the bed stand to check his messages but his mood lightened up when he saw a chat from taehyung which he quickly replied seeing it's been about an hour the message was sent ..

My tiger ❣️:

Hello bunny ,my dad/mom is coming over later with some dishes you would love cause he is a great cook ,I would really like you to come over later this evening so we can have a little indoor dinner date.
Sent 9:58am .

My bunny ❣️:

Sure tae ,I will be there at 5pm ,send your location ..
Sent 11:00am

My tiger ❣️:

Cool bunny ,would you want me to pick you up .

My bunny ❣️:

It's fine ,I can drive there myself just send location ..

My tiger ❣️:

Location sent ******
Will be waiting ..

My bunny ❣️:

Okay tae ,see you soon .

Jungkook couldn't stop blushing as he set his alarm to 3:30 pm and he went back to sleep still smiling to himself ..he couldn't wait for his date with taehyung..

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