Barbarian Conflicts

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I could hear the distance sounds of fighting when I heard a door open, Hunter was back. I felt giddy and happy that he was back. He looked my way, a smirk forming on his face. With Vincent gone it meant we could talk.

"Hey Hunter" I greeted him. He stepped towards me, raising a hand hesitantely, and slowly raising his hand to my cheek. I was brought into his arms, a gentle hug, and I felt so loved and safe there. 'I know I'm just human, but I can feel the bond between us' I thought. I was about to kiss him when I heard someone clear their throat. We seperated immiediately to see a very upset Eladia.

"Yes mother?" Hunter asked.

"Step, away from the human" she snarled, her lips curling up into a snarl. I started to back away. I really didn't want to cause trouble between Hunter and his parents, it wasn't my intenstions to do so.

"I will not have you mating with a human, its absurd!" she snapped. She steped towards us, but Hunter stood away. My head was swarming with multiple emotions. I felt glad that Hunter was protecting me, but guilty and sad that he was arguing with his mother. Hunter was pushed out of the way and Eladia came up to me with a shaking finger as she began to scold me.

"Stay away from my son, your just a filthy human. You kill, and you dudge, and you discriminate!" she snarled at me.

"Mother!" Hunter snapped.

"Quite!" Eladia ordered, she continued to yell at me.

"I find you to be disgusting! Everything about you makes me want to puke. I just 'ought to show you just what hatred I feel" Eladia said raising a hand. 

"Mother no, I will not let you harm my mate!" Hunter said. Eladia kept one firm hand on my shoulder and turned around.

"Don't you say that, she is not your mate. She is... she is perhaps a witch that has somehow made you believe that with sorcery!" Eladia shrieked.

"Mother that is what is absurd!" Hunter yelled at Eladia. Her eyes turned golden yellow,

"Hunter stand down, you are not alpha here" Eladia growled. Hunter stumbled backwards, a small whimper escaping his mouth. Eladia turned to me, but yet again she was interupted.

"Mommy? Mommy-Jade! Don't hut (hurt) her!" Morgan's small vocie yelled. She came running down the hallway towards me. My eyes filled with tears,

"Morgan go back to your room" I ordered. Morgan skidded to a halt, she trembled, but didn't move. Eladia turned to me again, but yet again, there was an interuption.

"Eladia, Eladia dear why are you so tense" asked a calm voice, the sound of it sent chills down my spine. A tall man with brown eyes, and brown hair walked in. It was non other than Vincent's brother, Richard. I was dropped from Eladia's grip, and Morgan ran to my side, clinging to my leg. I patted her back to comfort her.

"Why are you here?" Eladia demanded to know. Hunter inched closer to my side, moving a bit, and then pausing before moving closer towards me.

"Hunter, stop moving towards her. She's only human" Richard stated. Eladia lifted her chin a bit higher, and gave Hunter the typical "I told you so look" and Hunter scowled at Richard who patted his head as if he were a child. 

"You haven't answered me, what are you doing here?" Eladia demanded to know again.

"I came to inform you that there is an important pack meeting to attend with the Brook's and Schaedler's" he said, "We're to attend" he added. Outside a horse-drwan carriage waited for us. The horses shuffling their feet and snorted in the cold air. Elaida was first out the door, followed by Richard. With their backs turned I picked up Morgan, and Hunter took my hand in his; although, the momment eyes turned back to us we were apart again. It didn't take long to reach the nearest village, and reach the church in which the meetings were held. Richard strode into the building first, a grim look on his face, and he held a certain arogance to him. He took a seat with the rest of the council. I stood behind the table at which the alpha's and beta's sat. Also behind the table, behind the Brook's stood the chained Lilly. 

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