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Author's Pov

"Who are you to Kim Y/n...?"

Heaven felt like the land slipped under her feet where as every single thing around her freezed as the second those words escaped from his mouth. She stared at his fuming darken eyes which were turning gloomy with each growing second making her blood to ran cold..

"Who are you to Kim Y/n..Park Heaven...? "

Heaven heard him growling with his deep raspy voice which turned a little aloud making her trembled bearing the intensity of it.. She gulped hard her saliva and immediately looked down and replied.

"N.. No.. One ... "

She stuttered terrified of him and the situation and thinking about its possible outcomes. She didn't dare to looked him in his eyes and rest her eyes on the ground until she found his feets to walked a little more closer to where she was.

"Really... You're her no one..? "

She heard him speaking while he took a couple more steps nearer to her and she could feel his burning gaze on her quivering body.

"Than how in hell you resemble like her..? "

Her heart completely stopped pumping blood as soon she heard those words. She slowly took her head upward and felt like her soul shivered watching the fury and rage in his eyes and the extreme amount of pain mixing with his wrath making it more deadly..

She slightly shrugged her head and replied.

"I.. I don't know what you're talking about... I.. I.. Am sorry... " She said and immediately turned around to walk out from his presence but her breathing hitched in her throat when she felt a palm to grabbed her arm and spinned her around again.

And her blood drenched from her face watching him holding her arm while clutching it harshly making her to slightly yelped feeling the pain as he gawked at her afraid doe orbs while clenching his jaw furiously..

"You don't know what I am talking about ? " He groaned while gripping her arm more firmly turning her eyes teary.

"Than I guess your mother is going to be the one who would know what I am actually talking about.. Right Heaven...? "

Heaven's eyes widened with fear hearing his words where as her heart turned numb with fear, fear of what if he hurted her mother..

"So would you like to answer my question on your own or do you want me to fucking drag your mother here and take out the truth from her mouth in front of you and than afterwards kills her ... Tell me..? "

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