Chapter 7

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Sasuke pov 

Sweet humming made me wake up from my sleep. I focused my hearing on the calming melody that woke me. I blinked my eyes open and looked up at where the sound was coming from. I saw a figure fiddling with her hair. Is that Y/n? She looks so different, what happend to her hair? I sat up getting a better view at the unrecognizable girl. 

"You're awake" She gave me a faint smile, continuing to fiddle with her hair. "Look Sasuke" she walked over to me with a hint of excitement in her voice. 

What is happening? I was barely awake, and my sight was still a little blurry. She looks so different, but I can recall that it's Y/n's voice. When she crouched in front of me I stared in awe.

Y/n pov

I walked over to the sleepy boy. A little too excited to show him what I did to my hair. When I came close to him he just stared, leaving me with pink cheeks. 

"What is it? Do I look stupid? I just braided my hair. And look!" I pointed to one of the braids. "See what I did with those gold metal string I bought" I showed him the gold strand wrapped around it. 

"You are cute when you're excited Y/n" He stated making me blush even more. "And that gold string looks even cuter" Sasuke reached his hand towards me and held a couple braids in his palm, stroking them a little. So soft...he thought.

(I picture Y/n's braids as box braid. Search if you don't know what they look like:))

Y/n's face was crimson red now. Watching Sasuke touch her hair made her feel warm and nervous. 

"Don't fall in love though" she said teasingly, to break the moment. Sasuke pulled his hand away in embarrassment. Getting too caught up the moment, letting his thoughts wander away looking at the beautiful girl in front of him.

"Tch, like I would" He said turning the other way scoffing. I chuckled at his respond, it's so cute how he can be so cold and intense, but also so soft and cute at the same time. I walked to where my katana and ninja tools were. I hope we can fight today, I would like to test how it is to battle with my new outfit and hair. It sure does take some time to get used to my braids.


I have so many questions I want to ask him. Like, where he comes from, his family, friends, which sins he need to cleanse with this journey and most of all how he sees me as a person or comrad. Can we call eachother that by now...? However I can't ask him so much. That would make me seem too desperate, but I'll need to start somewhere.

"Where are we even going" I asked walking besides the reserved boy. 

"I received words from the hidden leaf to investigate a village nearby. They've been struggling because of rouge ninja and poverty"

"So we're basiclly going to chase some rough ninja and take care of the people there" I said repeating his respons. 

"Yeah, however the ninjas we're going to face here is a little tougher then normal" We walked synchronised besides one another. 

I'm excited to face some stronger enemies, fighting is actullay so fun. Although I need to watch myself and not reveal my sharingan. I'm so used to fighting with my other eyes, so restraining my powers is both boring and difficult. I can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out. Mabye he'll hate me, or mabye like me? No, he wouldn't... Anyways I'll need to focus today. 

"Interesting, can't wait to fight again" I smiled, prepping my katana ready.

"I must say you impressed me when I first saw you fight, how'd you even take those guys so quick" He asked toneless "I've beed wanting to ask you for some time now". The Uchiha looked more serious at the brown skinned girl now.

"I guess I'm quick and smart. Just like my summoning animal" I teased. That wasn't a lie, but of course my sharingan helps with speed. 

Sasuke gruntet, hinting of irritation. 

"Are you that annoyed beacause I won't tell you which animals I summon?" I stopped him from walking by standing right in front of him. Looking directly in his onyx eye. He didn't answer. So stubborn.

I turned away facing my back against him. Tasting the iron of my blood, while performing the hand signs it gave me an awakened feeling. 

"Summoning jutsu!" I said out loud, smashing my hand in the ground below me. Smoke filled the air and the presens of her filled my surroundings. 

Sasuke pov

"Summoning jutsu!" 

She's performing the summoning jutsu, the animal you summon is suposed to match it's master. So of course I was a little interested in knowing who Y/n summons. The scent of something fierce pierced through my nose. I felt the presens of something huge and intense lurking behind the cloud of dust and filth. The fog of dirt eased, and my vision got a hand of what was in front of us.

 An elegant catlike animal layed on the ground like it owned this territory. A leopard!

I was shocked, I didn't know you could summon leopards. However it doesn't surprise me that this is her summoning animal. A fast, strong, independent and elegant creature, just like herself. 

"Long time no see Amari" Y/n scratched her friend behind the ear, cheerful for seeing Amari again. 

"Tch, why have you summoned me here" 

Quite an attitude there, I can see the resemblance between them. Sasuke thought stepping a little closer. 

"Don't give me that sassy response, I know you've missed me" Y/n gave her a faint smile. "I just had to show you my new ehm friend here, Sasuke Uchiha". Adding a diffrent tone to his name at the end made the summoning animal understand the situation. To not reveal her master's identity. 

"Sasuke Uchiha hmm" The leopard paused "You must me pretty powerful then, although not stronger then Y/n". 

"You might be right, Amari was it?" Sasuke talked with a particular tone in his voice, while facing Y/n. "That's why I challenge you Y/n to fight me one day using your full powers. I know you're hiding something, and I want to face both that, and you right on. It won't be today, but soon enough. Do you accept?" Even this chilled shinobi can feel a hint of excitment when challenging another. Y/n changed her pretty astonished expression to a grin. 

"I accept to fight you some day using my full powers, Sasuke Uchiha" 

Author's note

I felt this was a little random but it'll get more excited later on. Sorry for not posting, I promise I will update more often. I really hope you enjoy what I write, and I appreciate your votes:)

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