Chapter 8

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When Dylan told me that she didn’t want to try whatever we had, I was so shocked that I didn’t see her leave until I heard the door slamming shut and it was already too late to chase after her.

Is it bad that I was hurt by her words? That it felt like she took a knife and plunged it deep into chest and punctured my heart?

No matter how much I tried to convince myself that it was for the best and that we probably never would have worked, my heart still screamed at me not to let her go, to run after her and make her mine. I took a deep breath and let my head win this battle.

She made her choice and now we both had to live with it. I’m just gonna have to suck it up and treat her just like I would any other student. Not like I would have given her special treatment or anything. I wonder if this is what it felt like for her when I rejected her yesterday?

I got home after finishing work to walking in on the pleasant sight of Ava sitting on my couch watching cartoons. She was such a kid for someone so scary-looking. She looked like some bad ass biker who could kick your ass any day (she could do that of course) but really she had the biggest and kindest heart.

I love her to bits. We’ve been friends since preschool when she handed a guy his ass because he was bullying me. She was also the one who made me come to terms of my sexuality. She was my first kiss, my first everything basically. We had only been dating for about two months when we decided that we were better off just as friends and instead of that tearing us apart, it only brought us closer together.

I plopped down next to her on the couch, laid my head on her lap and threw my legs over the armrest. She briefly glanced at me before muting the TV. “What’s wrong?” she asked me. She always had the knack of knowing when something was wrong with me. I guess it comes with the years of friendship. She was a bit harder to read though.

“Well hello to you too...” I replied sarcastically before sighing and telling her everything Dylan had said to me earlier today. “So basically she told me that she wants nothing to do with me!” “You’re probably just blowing everything out of proportion here. Yes she may have told you that she won’t pursue you anymore but have you stopped and thought that maybe she is just as scared about this as you?” Ava once again knew exactly what to say.

“You’re probably right, but that still doesn’t change the fact that I want her so damn much!” I put my face in my hands “My thoughts are so conflicted right now. I know it was the right thing to do to let her go, yet it hurts so bad and it feels like the worst mistake I ever made.”

Ava pulled me into a hug. “I know honey. I know it hurts but we are gonna get you through this. Enough with this depressing talk though, lets go make some food I’m starving” I gave out a little laugh “You’re always hungry!” “It’s a good thing you know how to cook then!” she shot back lightening the mood further.

We made some pancakes with bacon, because everybody knows breakfast is the best at dinner. We finished eating and were busy washing the dishes when Ava spoke again “Would you mind coming to their signing in about thirty minutes?” I always went with her to signings to act as a witness. Even though I know it would only hurt seeing her again I can’t help but accept. I would take every chance I get to be in the same room as her.

I quickly go upstairs to get ready to leave.

A/N: I know that this is probably short but I am struggling with a bit of writers block. Also I'm thinking of posting another story on here. It will be another StudentxTeacher book. So that while i'm stuck on the one book, hopefully I'll have some ideas for the other one. Tell me what you think. 

Also please vote and comment.

Thank you and enjoy your day/night. (depends on where you are)

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