Chapter 3

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Ella gave me the best orgasms I've ever had. Orgasms being the key word.

We went at it till three in the morning before we fell asleep in each other's arms. Luckily we remembered to set our alarms for the following morning.

I woke up the next morning with sun seeping through the windows and an alarm blaring in my ears.

Looking over at the other side of the bed I saw ella still sleeping. What a sight that was. Lifting my hand and running it through her hair she opened her eyes. The sunlight hitting them made them all the more beautifull, wich I thought was impossible.

Smiling she leaned over and gave me a light peck on the mouth saying "Good morning."

Giving her another kiss I stood up and went to my dresser to take out two t-shirts. Slipping one over my head and tossing the second one to her. I walked over to the bathroom going in and taking out an extra toothbrush. I went back to where she sat on the edge of the bed and handed it to her. 

"You can shower first. Help yourself to anything you might need." i said to her. "Thank you." she says, taking the toothbrush and headed into the bathroom to shower.

I decided to pick out an outfit while she was busy. I decided on light blue ripped skinny jeans, one of my Fade t-shirtsand my leather jacket. 

I was laying it out on the bed when she emerged from the bathroom with only a towel. I felt myself blush when she caught me staring at her legs. "You're cute when you blush, did you know that?" she asked me, naturally causing me to only blush more.

She chuckled and strolled over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, my arms automatically winding around her hips and pulling her closer. She was a few inches shorter than me. 

She leaned closed and whispered into my ear causing goosbumps to erupt onto my skin. "I had alot of fun last night, we should do it again sometime."

"Definitely" I say to her, before capturing her lips with mine. Pulling away I asked her if she wanted to stay for breakfast, to wich she answered that she doesn't really eat in the morning.

"Do you need to borrow some clothes?" I asked her. "If it wouldn't be too much of a hassle I'd really appreciate it."

Walking into my closet I took out one of my favourite pairs of jeans and a plain white button-up. "Are these alright or do you need something else? I don't know what would be appropriate for your job?" 

"These are fine, thank you very much." she said. "No problem at all. I must warn you though, these are my favourite jeans so you better return them!" "You did that on purpose didn't you?" she asked with laughter evident in her voice. "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about." I said in mock seriousness, walking off to the bathroom to take shower and give her some privacy to put on the clothes.

Emerging from the shower I quickly combed my hair, brushed my teeth and pulled on my clothes.

Coming out into my bedroom I saw her at the vanity applying light makeup. When she was finished she said "Well, I should probably go now, don't want to be late for work and all." "Do you need me to drop you off or anything?" I asked her.

"No. It's fine, I already called a cab." she answered me. Walking her to the door I took her by the back of the neck and pulled her into me, giving her a last passionate kiss. She deepened it and we made out for about two minutes before we had to pull apart because her cab had arrived. 

Giving me a quick peck she turned around and got into the cab. I watched her drive off. When the cab disappeared around the corner I dashed upstairs to continue getting ready.

When I was done I grabbed my keys and an apple to eat on my way to school, hopped into my mustang and shot off for school.

I pulled into the parking lot, took a minute to collect myself and found the courage to climb out. I saw a few people stare at me and my car. Ignoring the stares I made my way into the school building and luckily the office was right at the entrance. 

I got my schedual and locker number. Looking at my schedual I saw that I only had three classes. With five minutes left before I had to be in Homeroom I set off to find my locker.

I was busy getting books from my locker when a girl with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes came up to me.

"Hi! My name is Jenna. You must be new here?" she said in a chipper tone. Sticking out my hand so she could shake it i said. "Yeah, hello. My name is Dylan." 

"What classes do you have?" I handed her my schedual. I had music, Art and English Creative Writing and then a lunch period. "Cool, we have the same Homeroom and then we have Creative Writing and lunch together." she said. "Oh, that's cool" I said to her. 

She told me to follow her to Homeroom. When we arrived we chose seats in the back of the classroom. We only recieved some general information.

The bell rang and I was left to find my own way to my first class. I was nearly late as I at last found the music room. Luckily I didn't have to introduce myself. The teacher appointed me a seat in wich I had to sit for the rest of the year. 

We didn'd do much, we only recieved a list of supplies needed. When the bell rang signalling the end of the period, I stood up and made my way towards Art class. Basically the same happened here as in Music. The period went by fast and it was time for my final class,

I was on my way to creative writing when Jenna walked up beside me. Smiling she asked me "Hey, how has your day been so far?" "A few stares and weird looks being sent my way because I'm the new girl, but nothing I can't handle." I reply.

We walked into the classroom and took two seats next to each other in the middle to the right. The teacher was not yet in the class but her name was written on the board. It read 'Miss Ella Brooks'. Why does that sound so familiar.

Turning to Jenna I ask her "Hey Jenna. Do you know who the teacher is?" "No, I've heard that she is new here this year. Why do you ask?" came her reply. "Her name just sound so familiar to me." She was about to reply when suddenly the door swings open and in steps the teacher. 

"You've got to be fucking joking, right?" was all I could say before plopping my head on my arms.

Falling For My Teacher (lesbian) ( On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now