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I walked back to the bus stop with all my bruises and waited. I sat there for again 2 minutes and the bus came. I hopped on the bus and went and sat down by Chloe and tapped her shoulder. "Hey Chloe how are you doing?" I asked. She responded,"Hey Sam and I changed my name to Heather." I was surprised I didn't expect that. "Ok" I said she looked at my bruises and made a sad face. I could tell she still wished I hadn't done that. The silence was interrupted by her saying,"Im doing good, do you feel ok?"
"Yeah I'm good" I replied. She smiled, her smile is so beautiful it alone can make my day. I smiled back and again we were at school. We walked off and went to our first class. We had a substitute so we got to watch videos of Spider-mans amazing battles. I wanted to blurt out that it's my uncle but I didn't I just watched as my Uncle shot webs out of his wrists and as he climbed up walls and flipped off of the wall and kicked the bad guy. The bell rang and I got my stuff together and walked out but only to be clotheslined by Ethan. I fell on my back and slid my back pack off. I jumped up and started to make a fist when Heather grabbed my shoulder. I turned around and looked at her and she calmed me down. I loosened my fist and looked at him. I grabbed my backpack and started to walk off when he ran and slammed me over the ledge and I grabbed on with my fingers. I tried to pick myself up but Ethan stood on my fingers. I yelled in pain ad he started to put his foot on my face. I lost my grip and fell on the floor below. I rolled over to my stomach and started to push myself up. Heather ran down the stairs and slid to my side. I fell back over and passed out. Again I woke up in the nurses office and they offered me a chance to go home but I didn't want to. I grabbed my side and walked out and started to go to my next class when Ethan attacked again. I collapsed on my side and I grabbed his leg and pulled it out from under him and he fell. I got up and started to run away when he grabbed me and threw me again. A teacher ran out and said,"Both of you office now!!!!" Apparently she saw me grab his leg. We both got detention him for starting a fight and me for tripping him once. That is pure b*** s*** he threw me off a ledge and I trip him and we both get the same amount of detention. I stormed out of the office and to my next class knowing it's my last for today. We didn't do much but at the end he have us permission forms to go to Oscorp Tower and observe. I can't wait to see if they have anything of my dad's there that I could see. I went to the library and sat down away from Ethan. We sat there for an hour until we left. I was walking out of the school when I felt something heavy slam into my back. Ethan I knew it would be him I fell down the steps and landed on the grass. I started to get up when Ethan kicked me around like a rag doll. He saw a teacher starting to walk to the door and ran off to his bike. I got up and started to walk home. When I got home I fixed myself a mamwich with the leftover meat. After I ate that I went up to my room and fell asleep holding my stomach.
The picture is of Ethan
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