1-Circle Members

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"Hey, boys." I say and get their attention.

"What little girl." One snaps at me.

"Woah there, calm down." I put my hands up. "Just want to ask if you seen a little girl with redish-orange hair pass by?"

They look at each other and the other one looks at me, "Why do you need to know." It wasn't a question. Rude much.

"She is my little sister." They look shocked. "Just wanted to know if you saw her so I could find her before she does something stupid and get kidnapped."

"We saw her get in a cab." He says.

"She must have gone home." I mumbles just load enough that they were able to hear. "Well thank you anyways."

"Wai-" He didn't get any farther as I was already running down the street towards the house. I knew they were following but I can't really stop this from happen. It needs to happen.

Mom won't get hurt. Clary will be fine. Everything will be fine.


"-did they look like this?" Mom shows her markings as I walk in the door.

"Mom...what the?" Clary looks shocked and backs away.

"Everything you saw tonight has a meaning, has an explanation and I have dreaded the day I had to explain since the day you were born."
"Mom what is going on. Am I going insane?"

"No your not," Mom sighs. "But the protections are waring off. Your 18 now and you need to know the truth."

"Protections? What does that even mean. Mom your scaring the hell our of me!"

"I know and that is why I put this off until the last possible minute."

I jump in. "Which you shouldn't have." They both look at me. "You should have told her when I said." I look at Clary. "Please don't be mad at me kit. I wanted to tell you but I made a promise to mom that I wouldn't, and you know I never break a promise."

Clary takes a breath and looks at me "I'm not mad at y-"

"Jocelyn!" Dot comes running in. "Look out the window. Magnus called to warn us, they found you."

Mom ran to the window, "Dot it's time." She runs back in the room. "Clary look you can't be around me."


"Mom got a very powerful person angry." I tell Clary.

"What did you do, mom."

"I hid something from him and his followers."

"Followers? Mom why can't we just call the police?" Oh, Kit if only you knew.

"The police man you need to call is Luke." Mom turns Clary around and puts the necklace on her. "Keep this with you, and think of me when you wear it."

"Mom this is not the time for a birthday gift!" Clary turns around and looks at mom. "What the hell is happening?!"

Dot hands mom the green potion. "Only I'd you need it."

"Trust your instincts Clary you are more powerful then you know."

"I don't understand what is going on."

Mom looks at Dot, "Dot open it." Mom runs to the couch and hands me a shrunken trunk. "This has all the things you need. When you have time find Magnus and ask him to tell you how it works."

She then pushes both of us to the portal Dot made. "Everything i have ever done, ever mistakes I have made is because I love you both more than words."

"Mom what are you doing?" Clary looks at mom scared.

"Luke will explain everything. Talk to Luke. He'll hid you both."

"Hid us from who?"

"The Cirlcle. He is the only one besides your sister you can trust. Trust no one else."

"No I don't understand."

"Where is Luke now?!"

"At the police station!"

"Remember I love you both!"

"Mom!" We both yell out to her. I know she will be alright but...I'm scared. She is my mom.

"Clary! Lily!"


And poof we are at the police station.

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