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When I woke up next I was in my new mother's arms. By the feel of my diaper she had just changed me. Ugh! I can't wait til I can get out of diapers!

"Oh. Did you wake up baby?" The voice of my mother cooed at me.

I giggle back.

"Are you hungry baby? It has been a couple hours since you last ate."

I cooed at her trying to say yes.

She giggles a bit before saying, "I'll take that as a yes." She pulled her shirt down and let me drink my fill.

When I was done I pulled away and cooed saying a 'thank you in baby talk.

"Do you wanna go see daddy, baby?" She started walking out of my room into a hallway. I looked at the walls and saw paintings. All sorts of paintings. From a depiction of what I think is the Clave to a painting of a forest.

We soon come to a room with the walls covered with shelves filled with books. And on the far wall sat Valentine, my father.

Mom walked over to him. "Look who is awake love."

"Hand her her, darling." Mom handed me to dad. "How was your sleep baby?" He looked down at me and asked.

I cooed at him and reached up to pat his cheek.

He smiled down at me. He looked back at mom. "Why don't you take her to the living room and play with some toys?"

"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." My mom agreed and took me from dad and we went and played in the living room. Well more like she played with me since I didn't have that much coordination.

TIME SKIP *years later*

I finally got out of diapers! I started showing some of my intelligence once I turned 3. Talking in fluent sentences, walking without tripping, and reading 'big kid books' as my mom calls them.

I have gotten really close to my brother. For most people it would be too close. But I've started to feel a small crush on him. The way I think of it, I am from a different world (my mind) and I am definitely not related to him.

He is very protective. When dad started giving me needles with strange colored stuff he would pick me up and rock me. He would calm me down and say that everything is going to be OK.

I've felt a small change. My nails grow pointy like claws, they also have started to have a black color. My hair is a deep blood red with blonde-ish platinum highlights. I have also noticed that my baby fat has decreased by alot. I barely have any left. I have a feeling that it is because of the liquids that dad keeps giving me.

Mom has been looking at me with worry lately. And I think that we are going to be leaving soon.

The year I turned 4 was the year we left. Sebastian was 2 years older than me and Clary is going to be born in a couple months.

I have been clingy to Sebastian lately. I knew it would be the last time I would see him for a while. The day before mom took me away I cuddled up to Sebastian and told him how I feel.


He looked down at me. "Yes Lily?"

"I love you." I looked up at him to see his reaction. I saw adoration and pure love.

"I love you too." He ran his fingers threw my hair. "I will always be here for you. To protect you."

"But...what if...what if I had to leave? What if I was taken away?"

"I would look all over the world for you. And once I found you I wouldn't let you go."



"But...but I'm nothing special." I look down.

Sebastian puts his finger under my chin and pushes my head up. "You are the most special person in my life...no...in the world."

I blush and look away.

"Now, why don't we lay back down and sleep."

"Okay Seb." I look at him for a second and laid back down on his chest.

He played with my hair and rubbed my back until I fell asleep. And when I woke next it was to a frantic mom packing clothes and rushing me to get dressed.

Once done we were on our way.

Away from the person I come to know as dad. Even if he wasn't the best.

Away from the only home I have known in this life.

And finally away from the one I loved.

Away from Sebastian.


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