Chapter 8

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You slept well into the following morning only to find some kind of gift basket on your kitchen counter.  Chocolates, some fancy teas from Liyue and Snezhnaya, even press-dried flowers were all tucked neatly inside.  It was clearly from Childe.  Who else would have the nerve to send something Snezhnayan to you?  Wait.  How did he even get back into the apartment?  You altered the door in such a way that it would automatically lock itself when shut--did he steal your keys?!  But one glance-over confirmed they were sitting by the stove.  Hm...

You took your time getting dressed for work, not particularly caring if you got in trouble for being so late; it was doubtful considering you never missed a day ever since you were hired.  The reflection that stared back at you from the mirror had a red swollen nose and bloodshot eyes.  Your throat was blooming with bruises so distinct one could distinguish each of Kliment's fingers.  The back of your head was still sore.  The more you stared at yourself, the less severe your obvious injuries seemed to be.  But Zhongli thought otherwise.

"Reed," the startled consultant couldn't stop himself from staring when you walked into the parlor.  "What happened?  Your injuries--"

"Let's just say all my preconceived beliefs were proven true," you answered without looking him in the eye.  Your voice came out scratchy, but it wasn't related to the fact that that was the first time you've spoken today.  Your words didn't prevent Zhongli from approaching you either and he lightly tilted your head upward for a better view.

"You're badly injured, Reed.  You should take the day off; I have everything covered here, so it wouldn't be any trouble."  His gloved thumb ghosted over the bruises on your neck, and his brows furrowed in deep thought.  "...Were you...entertaining your hobby again? Is that what this is from?"

"Come on, Mr. Zhongli, you know I'm not that careless when it comes to that.  They're..."  Your gaze dropped to your feet.  "It's--It's nothing."

Sensing some sort of distress unrelated to your vigilante tendencies, Zhongli lightly placed his hand on your shoulder.  "Have you contacted the Millileth?  They may be of some help."  It was unusual to see you in such a vulnerable state considering you were more than capable of defending yourself.  But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, the door behind you opened and some sort of realization flickered across his face.  "Good morning, Childe."  His hand caught onto the rising tension in your shoulders.

"...Morning."  Was that a sleep-deprived voice, or was it guilt in his tone?  "Mr. Zhongli, Reed."

You sidestepped Zhongli and began walking to the corner of the room opposite of the entrance.  "I should get to work.  I can't afford to slack off even if I am injured."

Zhongli's dragon-like eyes narrowed as they remained locked with Childe's.  "What is it you wish to discuss?"  He already knew the answer of course, especially when a hurt expression flickered across the harbinger's face when you weren't looking.  The two men walked into a separate room and Zhongli closed the door.

"How is she?"

"You tell me," the consultant folded his arms across his chest.  "She's covered in bruises.  What did you do to her?"  Childe had already informed him of your discovery of his Fatui status, but he hadn't expected you to return to work beaten.

"A few of my men went rogue last night and decided she was the perfect target."  Childe ran a frustrated hand through his hair and pulled on the strands.  "I got there a bit late, but I managed to get the situation under control."


The harbinger shifted his weight and leaned against one of the bookshelves.  "You know, I'm trying really hard to make it up to her.  It's like life is throwing everything at me to prevent that from happening."

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