Chapter 9

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Black robes descended upon the mountainside late one chilling night until they formed one collective shadow more permanent than the one the moon cast across the mountain.  Hoarse whispers of prayers, praise, and curses swirled above the gatherers' heads until the Master stepped out from behind an ancient gingko tree. Then, only the crickets dared to interrupt the ceremony.

"Welcome.  Let us begin by announcing the recruitment of two more former Fatui.  Kliment, Hongqi, present yourselves.  Charlie, the cloaks."

"Blessed are those reborn under the moonlight.  May they forever prosper in the blood of their enemies."  Charlie bit the inside of his lip rather aggressively as he reluctantly presented the robes to his new subordinates.  He couldn't help but doubt the Master's decision to let them join despite their being loose cannons just as he had reported after the beating they gave Reed.  While their actions may lead to you joining this group, they were still disgraceful and an embarrassment.  Why would you join a community that shelters the very people that attacked you?

"Wait.  Charlie? As in the guy that ended up being promoted for saving Childe's girlfriend?"  Kliment spoke louder than what was allowed, and just as Charlie was about to scold him for it, the Master stepped in.

"Is there a problem?"

"Yeah! He's--"

"--Fatui?  Then you are one and the same.  I'll ask again: Is there a problem, dear Kliment?"  Faced with an immovable--and frankly larger--force, the former agent's confidence and anger shriveled away like a dehydrated plant left in the sun.  "Charlie is my righthand man.  Surely you didn't expect for me to not have friends on the inside?"

"N-No, sir."

"Apologies for the disruption, sir," Hongqi forced the robe back into Kliment's hands with a harsh glare from his silver eyes.  Take it and shut up, it said.  Hongqi was representing his contacts, after all.  For Kliment to be a selfish asshole in front of every member of the Rogues was something he didn't need!  The latter finally caught on with a quick shut of his mouth and robust movement to inherit the cloak across his shoulders.  "Thank you for your hospitality."

"What about pay?"

The Master's eyes slid to Kliment yet again, narrowing slightly before a bellowing laugh escaped him.  "Ha! Well look at that, boys, we've got another gold-digger.  Fear not Kliment, you'll be paid per job.  Now, return to your places everyone."  In a hushed murmur, he spoke to Charlie, whose lip was now bleeding from how hard he was biting it.  "Is the next shipment of lawachurls on the way?"

"Yes, sir.  They may be a bit late this time around.  From what I've heard there was a bit of trouble in Ritou as they were trying to sail back.  Everything should arrive safely just as planned."

"Good.  The more chaos and framing we can pin against the Fatui, the better!  And what of the vigilante?  Any progress?"

"I've located her, sir.  It won't be long until we turn her, especially after the crappy stunt those new recruits pulled."

The Master shrugged at this.  "Thus is the way of the world, Charlie.  I can guarantee what's coming to the Harbinger is worse than some meager beating."  He faced his audience with a look of satisfaction.  "I would like to meet her soon, Charlie."

"Yes, Master."


"You wanted to see me, Andrei?"  Childe closed the door behind him and approached the bank's manager who sat at his desk.  The messenger made it seem a bit urgent, but Andrei was relaxing in his seat as he reviewed a document at his desk.

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