The next morning.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nai POV I love Mario so much for saving me and it shows he cares and I could tell he loves me I'm going over Mario's house today just me and Mario cuz ravon is going out with larri after what happened last night so Mario and Me can talk about some stuff and get stuff off our chest like secrets we have been friends for 3 years so Ik there is something he is keeping to himself ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mario's POV Today me and nai are hanging out at my house by ourself so we are probably gonna tell secrets and ma- Mario heard the door bell and ran to open in Nai:MARIHOE Mario: SLUTLEA Nai: mine is better 🙄 Mario: whatever you say so what are we gonna do Nai: we can share some more secrets Mario: okay They go to the kitchen Mario: may I go first Nai: sure Mario: Well I'm thinking about you moving in with me and ravon Nai: really Mario: keyword Thinking Nai: Ik what you said marihoe Mario: good so do you have any secrets Nai: yea I do it's a crush Mario: spill the tea sis Nai: well I like this guy but he is dating someone he is bi and he is dating a guy I really like him and idk what to do he is the hottest person I ever met and he just got a hair cut it's looks like yours Mario's brain: she just described me does she like me I mean it's cool in all but idk if I feel the same Mario: well maybe try getting over him and hangout with me Nai: I am aint I Mario brain: I might have a little feelings for her idk how I feel Mario: so that's it Nai's brain: no Nai: Yup Mario: okay well wanna watch a movie Nai: Scooby-Doo Mario: ofc babe (In a friendship way) Nai: thank god Mario and nai watch the movie when Nai got closer to mario he got a feeling that he got when he first kissed ravon Mario's brain: I might be falling for her but what am I gonna do about ravon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ravon's POV I'm starting to like Larri like a crush but I have Mario and I don't want to heart his feelings and I don't want to rush larri to get over Brady but I really need to tell Mario like now before I do something stupid but I don't want to bother him and nai so I'll wait till I get home ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mario's POV I've been thinking about how I'm gonna deal with Nai if I do like her or if I want to marry ravon Im feeling so much rn and idk what to do Then Mario thought about going back to Florida alone to focus on himself Mario: um Nai I need to go... do something upstairs can you pause the movie Nai: sure Mario runs upstairs and packs as fast as he can it took him 10 minutes to finish and he went back downstairs Mario: doneeee Nai: bitch took you long enough Mario: *gasp* this is a house of god Nai: say that to every time you had sex with ravon in this house Mario: I would never Nai: Mhmm come on and let's finish the movie Mario sits down and they finish the movie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Larri's POV I really like ravon more then a friend but I know he is dating Mario but I think something is going on between Nai and Mario but I don't want to be the reason if they break up so I just leave them be then ravon and larri went to Ravon's house Mario and nai were sleep on the couch Nai was at the bottom of the couch near Mario's feet and Mario was at the top near nai's feet and they were both sleeping then ravon and larri came in Ravon: shhh they are sleep Larri: okay Mario woke up to the bag noise Mario: hey babe you home already Mario turns around and sees larri too Mario: oh hey larri Larri: hey Ravon : hey bb Then Nai wakes up Nai: whose here Mario (Nai said that in a really hot sleepy voice) Mario thinking: her voice was so hot Mario: it's ravon and larri Nai: oh hey guys Larri and Ravon: heyyy Mario: idk bout y'all but I'm still tired Ravon: from what bitch watching a movie Mario: no I did the dishes *no I didnt* Ravon: like one dish Mario: yup 😊 Ravon: whatever go lay down I'll be there in a second Mario okay goodnight y'all Everyone: Goodnight Larri: well I'm gonna head out Issa is probably waiting for me Ravon: okay babe bye Larri: bye Larri leaves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mario's POV Mario comes back down Mario: naiiiiii I have a surprise Ravon thinking: I really hope the surprise is Nai moving in Nai: what is it Mario: well it's upstairs ravon come on Ravon: okay They all go upstairs to a door Mario opens it and it's room Mario: you're moving in! We already got you stuff here so go get comfortable Nai: thank you guys so much I love you!! Ravon and Mario : you're welcome we love you too Mario closes the door and ravon and Mario go to there room they lay down and cuddle together (Nai's room
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Ik it's cute) Mario: I love you baby you know that right Ravon: ofc I do Mario: just making sure Ravon: I always will love you Mario: me too baby Mario turns of the lights Ravon: Goodnight I love you ❤️ Mario: Goodnight I love you too my love ❤️ Nai knocks on the door Ravon: come in Nai: sorry just wanted to say Goodnight I love you guys Mario: Goodnight i love you too Ravon: Goodnight I love you too Nai Nai leaves and they all go to bed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They next day....