Chapter 9

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Riley's POV
I woke up at 7:00 to get up for school I woke up Bri and told her she can wear some of my close
We pick out outfits we decide to pick

Riley's POV I woke up at 7:00 to get up for school I woke up Bri and told her she can wear some of my close We pick out outfits we decide to pick

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Bri's outfit

^^^My outfit Riley: wanna take the bus Bri: yea Me and Bri head to her bus stop and we get on the bus we head to school and we walk to our first period Riley: I have to use the restroom you can head to class Bri: okay I love you Riley: love you to...

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My outfit
Riley: wanna take the bus
Bri: yea
Me and Bri head to her bus stop and we get on the bus we head to school and we walk to our first period
Riley: I have to use the restroom you can head to class
Bri: okay I love you
Riley: love you too
Bri's POV
I'm walking to class and then Jack walks up to me
Jack: hey baby girl
Bri: don't call me that jackass
Jack: or what
Jack puts all of his weight on Bri
Bri: get off me
Jack: kiss me and I will
Bri: no I have a girlfriend
Jack: that little bitch
Bri: what did you can her
Jack: a little bit-
Bri kicks jack and the balls and punches him in the faces everyone starts recording and then teachers walk out the classroom and Riley came out the bathroom
Riley: Get him girl *smiles*
The teachers yell for her to stop and she stops and gets off him
Then Ms. Topless comes out and screams
Ms. Topless: what have you done to my baby
Bri: he's you son
Ms. Topless: yes!
Bri: so he's Jack Topless
Ms. Topless: yes
The crowd starts to laugh
Bri: Hey guys he jacking topless
The crowd laughs more
The principal then comes to the hall
Principal: Ms. Jackson in my office now! and you Mr. Topless come as well
Jack and Bri: okay Mr. Barnes
Bri and jack follow Mr. Barnes to his office they walk in and they sit down
Mr. Barnes: so what happened Bri you first
Bri: well jack came up to me and touching me and being flirty and I asked him to leave me alone and he didn't and he called Riley a bitch excuse me language
Mr. Barnes: Jack explain
Jack: well she actually came on to me she tried to kiss me and touched she touch my generals
Mr. Barnes: so if I look at the cameras is that what I'm going to see
Jack: i uh
Mr. Barnes: That's what I thought so Bri you have the option to press charges to jack here or he can be suspended
Bri: just suspend him
Mr. Barnes: okay both of you can go to class jack I will be calling you parents
Jack: yes sir
They both go to class and jack says
Jack: watch you ass Brianna
And he walks off
Mario's POV
Mario: hey baby!
Nai: yes!
Mario: can you come here!
Nai: okay!
Nai walks upstairs
Nai: yes babe
Mario: we find out our baby's gender today
Nai: really!
Mario: yes our appointment is in an hour
Nai: Omg I'm going to take a shower
Mario: okay I'll get you an outfit
Nai: thank you
Nai kiss Mario
Nai gets in the shower
Mario's picks out

 Barnes: okay both of you can go to class jack I will be calling you parents Jack: yes sir They both go to class and jack says Jack: watch you ass Brianna And he walks off ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mario's POV Mario: hey baby! Nai: yes!Mario:...

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~10 minutes later~
Nai gets out the shower and they drive to the doctors
~skip drive~
Mario: we're here
*no answer*
Mario: babe
*no answer*
Mario: BABE
*no answer*
Mario puts on his and nai mask and he picks her up and runs into the office he asks for help and explain what's happening the doctor immediately get her in a room
Dr.???: Hello my names Dr. Norman and I ran some test and it looks like she survived a seizure
Mario: What how
Dr. Norman it looks like the baby was causing stress on her and she passed out and started seizing
Nai jumps up
Nai: BABE BABE *crying*
Mario: I'm right here baby
Nai: it was so bad idk what happened
Dr. Norman: well you had a seizure
Nai: what how
Dr. Norman: over stressed
Nai: oh
Another doctor come in and whispers to the doctor and leaves
Dr. Norman: Umm so I have some bad news
M and N: what is it
Dr. Norman: the baby is gone
Nai: what
Mario was in complete disbelief
Dr. Norman: well while u were seizing the baby was getting tangles in the Umbilical cord
Nai: omg
Nai starts crying and Mario hugs her
Nai: can we leave
Dr. Norman: ofc
Nai and Mario go home
Larri's POV
Larri: Babe call Mario I'm on an important call
Brady: okay
Brady calls Mario and hears him crying
Mario: it's gone
Brady: what's gone what's wrong
Mario: T-the baby
Brady: omg really
Mario: Yes
Brady: is nai okay
Mario: she's gone to
Brady: she's dead
Mario: no she she blamed me for the baby dying and she broke up wit me
Brady: omg her loss
Mario: and I've been lookin at Ravon's instagram and I think I have feelings for him again
Brady: wait really
Mario: yea
Brady: good cuz he's at the house and he told us he still wants to date u
Mario: oh I'll be there in like 5 minutes
Brady: okay
Brady hangs up
Larri: so what happened
Brady tells Larri what happens and Mario walks in
Mario: hey guysss
Mario looks and Ravon
Mario: hi Ravon
Ravon: hi
Mario: I need to talk to u
Ravon: umm okay
Mario and Ravon go upstairs
Mario's POV
Mario: so I still have feelings for u
Ravon: really
Mario: yes and I want to start over wit u like when we first met
Ravon: I have feelings for u to
Mario: okay well hi I'm Mario
Ravon: I'm Ravon
Mario: wanna go on a date with me
Ravon: yes
Mario and Ravon laugh and Mario kisses him and they go downstairs
Mario and Ravon are laughing
Larri: mmm what y'all laughing at
Mario: we're going on a date
Asher: good for y'all
Issa: yea but isn't it time to pick up Riley and bri
Brady: omg yes baby I'll go get them
Larri: okay babe
Riley's POV
Riley: where are they
Bri: I'm sure they'll be here soon
Then Brady pulls up
They get in the care
Brady: I'm so sorry I was trying to help your uncle
Riley: it's okay
Brady: so I heard someone got in a fight
Bri: I did this dick kept messing with me
Riley: mhm my baby whooped his ass
Brady: well what was his name
R and B: Jack Gilinsky (Gilinsky his middle name in the story)
Brady: Wait for real
Bri: yea why
Brady: Bri u have to stay home for a couple days okay
Brady: why so i'm friend with jacks dad he's a mafia boss and he said he's going to kill whoever beat him up
Bri: oh
Riley: can i stay with her
Brady then gets a call that's say MB and they just parked
Brady: y'all go in i have to take this
R and B: okay
The girls head in
Brady's POV
Brady: hello sir
???: we have a meeting in 30 tell larri and the others and tell them wear all black
Brady: okay boss
*hangs up*
Brady texts a gc called Mafia
Brady: we have a meeting in 30 wear all black
Everyone: okay
Brady texts riley
Brady: Baby i need u and bri to stay in ur rooms only come out to make food and lock ur room door
Riley: why
Brady: bc i need u to
Riley: okay i love u ❤️
Brady: love u to ❤️

Word Count: 1239

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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