Chapter 1

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(Warning this chapter is going to have rape in it so if you are not comfortable reading it dont read this chapter)

Mario's POV
Today is me and Ravon's 3 year anniversary of dating him and it's also my 3 year anniversary of meeting my best friend Nai we all know everything about each other and never kept a secret from each other except me I have one secret I'm keeping from Nai and Ravon that I'm bisexual I don't want to tell them because I don't want to hurt ravon and I don't want to lose my best friend but I feel so bad keeping secrets from them but I can't tell them I will ruin everything but anyways me ravon and nai are going out to a movie we are watching scoob! We love this movie literally love it I also thought I might tell them when we watch the movie we watch the movie in about 12 minutes so let me prepare.
Ravon's POV
Today is me and Mario's 3 year anniversary but I have noticed that he has looked at girls different I think he might be bi or straight I'm not sure but if he is bi I'm totally cool with it I mean what's it gonna do to me he loves me but in 12 minutes we watch a movie called scoob! Me nai and Mario love this movie it's like the best movie on the planet I also have a secret that I'm keeping from Mario it's that I'm talking to other boys like friends he never likes when other boys talks to me he says it's because they are gonna crush on you and he doesn't want that but the guy his name is Larri he must be really big and strong but he is actually dating someone his name is boyfriends name is Brady and his name is larri I told Nai and she doesn't really care about it but she does care that she has to keep it a secret from Mario I have been talking to him for about a year now I never meet him so I'm hoping when I tell Mario he will let me meet him oh it's time for the movie.
They start the movie
1h 34m later
End of the movie
Mario's POV
Okay Mario tell them it's time
Mario: guys
Ravon and Nai: yea
Mario: I- I think I'm bi
Ravon: what
Nai: what
Mario: I knew I shouldn't have told you now I lost you guys my best friends/ my boyfriend
Nai and ravon: what the hell are you talking about
Mario: you will never wanna talk to me again
Ravon: ofc I will I still love you
Nai: me too Mario don't ever think that ever
Mario: I love you guys to
Nai: *whispers* tell him ravon
Ravon: *whispers* now he just came out
Nai: *whispers* yes now
Ravon: *whispers* fine. Mario I need to tell you something to
Mario: what is it baby
Ravon: ihavebeentalkingtootherboysnotlikeflirtingoranythingjustasfriendsandireallywanttomeetthembutiknowyouwillneverletmesoimaskingificanstayfriendswiththemandmeetthem
Mario: I- uh could you say that again but slower
Ravon: fine I have been talking to other boys not like flirting or anything just as friends and I really want to meet them but I know you will never let me so I'm asking if I can stay friends with them and meet them
Mario: yea sure I don't see why not
Ravon: Ik it's oka- wait what!
Mario: it's fine we can go meet them what's their address name sexuality and relationship status
Ravon: address is (whatever you want) larri is gay and Brady is bi and larri is dating Brady
Mario: okay let's go
Ravon: okay
Ravon texts Larri tells him we are coming to his house
~skip drive~
Mario: is this it
Ravon: yup
Mario: well let's go
Mario knocks on the door
Larri: omg are you ravon
Mario: no I'm his boyfriend he is right here
Mario moves out the way for ravon
Ravon: omg Larri!
Larri: ravon!
Ravon and Larri hug
Mario: sooo anyone gonna introduced me or do I have to do it myself
Ravon: stop whining and come on
Larri let's ravon and Mario in
Mario: well Larri I'm Mario
Larri: it's nice to meet you Mario
Mario: you to Larri
Larri: well take a seat 
Mario: okay
Then Brady comes down
Brady: hey baby who is he and him he makes a angry face at Mario
Larri: well this is ravon you remember the one person I was telling you I'm meeting today
Brady: I remember but who is that muscle man over there
Mario: I'm Mario and you're Brady I'm guessing
ravon: yup and Larri honestly I thought you
were going to look like Brady
Larri: bitch I'm skinny
Ravon: same I eat air
Larri: we love thatttt
Brady: *laughs* well baby I'm about to leave to the gym I will see you later
Mario: can I come bro
Brady: sure. you need a towel?
Mario: yea
Brady: okay
Brady heads upstairs and gets Mario a towel
Brady: here dude
Mario: thanks bye baby *kisses ravon* I'll see you later
Ravon: bye baby
Then Issa comes downstairs
Issa: hey y'all
Larri: hey um ravon this is Issa my best friend/ roommate
Ravon: hi nice to meet you
Issa: you to but one rule
Ravon: okay
Issa: Kay that's it
Ravon: jeez I saw the veins popping out of your muscles
Issa: cuz I love my best friend and no one calls him a ugly fat rat but me
Larri: you to Harambe
Ravon: I think we can become really good friends Issa
Issa: me too
Brady's POV
I thought larri was cheating when I saw Mario he is really big and muscular and Ik larri is attracted to that but Ik I have nothing to worry about because he has a boyfrie-
Mario: so bro you work out much
Brady: everyday
Mario: me to I love to sweat makes me feel good
Brady: honestly I just like making new friends to work out with
Mario: you funny
Brady: all day yessir
Mario: *laughs* man I think we can be work out buddies
Brady: what's yo number
Mario: *******************
Brady: thanks
Mario: np
Then they arrive at the gym
Brady: oh we here
Mario: I'm ready to work my muscles
Brady: well let's go
They go in and start working out Mario went to the bathroom he took a picture for Instagram

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