Mafia Game With A Twist?! Part 2

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3 hours before the Final Trial

Mammon heading straight to MC

Mammon: MC!

MC: Mammon! *shocked*

Mammon: Woah! Haha you alright? You seem like you saw a Mafia

MC: I'm fine don't worry about me

Mammon sits beside MC

Mammon: Listen! I need your cooperation

MC: Cooperation??

Mammon: To find the Mafia! I know I can trust you on this! here lemme tell you something

Mammon whispers to MC

Mammon: I'm the investigator

MC: Why are you telling me this??

MC: Are you really trusting a citizen like me? Do you really trust me?

Mammon: Yeah! I trust you! don't worry we will beat the hell of that Mafia!

Mammon: But you know Satan seems pretty suspicious

MC: True, He maybe the one who killed Lucifer.....

Levi: HEY!

Mammon: *stops the conversation with MC* YO!

Satan: We were looking everywhere for you guys!

MC: I'm glad you guys are fine, I really want to get out of this game -.-

Levi looking for Beel

Levi: Where is Beel?

MC starts panicking

MC: Don't tell me he is dead!!!!

Mammon: Calm down! How about we look for him!

MC: Sure

Satan: Are you really trusting Mammon what if he is the Mafia! We don't want to loose!

Levi: YEAH!

MC looking at Mammon

MC: I trust him.

Mammon grabbed MC's hand and started to look for Beel

Levi: I don't really trust Mammon though....

Satan: Same, but what if you're the impostor! *pointing hands at Levi*

Levi: Me?! What if it's you!

Satan: HAHA! If it's me I would have
probably killed you from the very start..

Levi: Uhhh k. *scared*

Back To MC and Mammon

Mammon: You didn't have to defend me there

MC: What?! Why not? I trust you okay!

Mammon: You sure?

MC: DUH! You said yourself that you are the investigator so I trust you!

Mammon: Thanks....


Mammon: BEEL!

MC:  Thank goodness he is just asleep

MC waking up Beel


Beel: I'm sorry I splitted up! I just really need an alone time, And I'm starving

MC: Aww don't worry this will game will be ending soon so lets give all our best!

They went back to Satan and Levi

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