Chapter Five

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Tommy practically threw himself onto the couch, not really caring if there was any room for the other two. If this were any other situation, he would've probably been picked up by Technoblade and then dumped over the two's laps. But it wasn't any other situation, despite Tommy's multiple prayers.

Wilbur decided to sit on the arm of the couch, like a fuckin' weirdo, according to Tommy. Techno just sat on the floor. Dream was weird, his house had a tiled living room. What kind of living room has a tile floor? He could get hardwood, and maybe carpet, but tile? That's pushing it.


Oh, yeah. This shit conversation that would end up horribly had to happen, didn't it?

"Yeah?" Tommy wrapped his arms around his knees, resting his head on them as well. Technoblade looked over to him with a concerned expression, but didn't say anything.

Wilbur hesitated, "What happened? I mean, you can tell us anything, you know?"

Tommy nodded, but he didn't look up, "Just someone said something is all."

"Who?" Techno grunted.

Tommy shook his head, he didn't say anything else. Techno sighed, "We can't do anything if we don't know, Theseus."

Tommy took a deep breath, might as well get this over with, right? "Well, Ranboo and Tubbo wanted to make like friendship bracelet type thing, right? So, I said that it had to be something funny, because I didn't want them thinking that I've gone all soft and shit.

So, Ranboo said that we should make earrings out of the Worm on the String things, and we all loved the idea. I mean, who wouldn't want a worm friendship earring, right? That's why Tubbo asked Phil if he had any needles or safety pins."

Techno nodded, "He's where I got all of mine when I pierced my ears."

"Exactly! That's why I told him to ask Phil. Guess Phil got all worried because we were being super vague and talking about bleach, then Tubbo asked for needles. But then Ranboo explained to Phil and he was okay with it. But then later he talked to me and said that it would make me look more feminine. But Ranboo and Tubbo really like the idea, I do too! I want to do this, but now I can't get the fact that I'll look like a girl out of my head but-"

Wilbur put his hand on Tommy's shoulder, cutting him off, "Tommy, wearing jewelry doesn't make you a girl. Hell, wearing dresses and other feminine things doesn't make you a girl either."

Tommy nodded, "I mean, I know that. I just-" he sighed, not knowing how to continue his sentence. He decided to just gesture to the air, hoping one of them would understand what he meant. He wasn't lucky enough for that however.

Wilbur sighed, uncrossing his legs and shifting to sit on the back of the couch instead. He picked up his phone, and started typing.

Techno, seeming to understand what he was doing, started talking, "Is it more of a dysphoric feeling, or like an insecure one?"

Tommy shrugged, "I never had a problem with it before Phil made it seem girly, so it's definitely dysphoric. I just want to do something cool with them, we're the Bench Trio, you know? Gotta have some shit with them and them only." And if piercing his ears also reminded him of Techno, well Tommy thought no one had to know that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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