Heated houses with heated issues

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(2 hours after the fight between Jun and Elaine, time: 5:30 pm)

In her room, Elaine was engrossed in finding words for her new song, a remix of "I Like It," featuring an up-and-coming rapper. Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts, and it was Justin.

"Good evening, Elaine," Justin greeted.

"Good evening, Justin. How can I help you?" Elaine replied.

"The King would like you to join him and the royal family for supper," Justin informed her.Elaine pondered for a moment, a hint of concern crossing her face. "Okay, oh, shit, I don't know what to wear."

"What you have on is absolutely fine. Follow me to the dining hall," Justin assured her.Elaine followed Justin, completely unaware of the King's presence until she saw him. She quickly composed herself and offered a small curtsey. The King motioned for her to take a seat, and to her surprise, she found herself seated right next to Li Jun. The King noticed their stolen glances, filled with what seemed like mutual animosity, but he remained clueless about the cause.

"Li Jun, could you explain the incident between you and Miss Elaine?" the King inquired."Rose, you're such a snitch," Li Jun retorted, his anger palpable.

"Miss Elaine, please forgive my son on behalf of me. I hope you two can become friends. My family is not racist, nor are we mean people," the King apologized earnestly.

'' Fuckin bitch'' Li Jun muttered  to which the King warned him for his language. Li Jun seemed ready to storm off, but before he could, Elaine grabbed his arm, urging him to stay and calm down. Li Jun could feel sparks rush through his hand

"Don't get mad. It was my fault. Don't be angry with your father," Elaine reassured him.

"Miss Elaine, I am sorry you had to witness this," the King apologized once more.

"Your Majesty, please stop blaming your son. There's no need for disrespect, but please let him explain himself," Elaine stood up and spoke firmly.

"Don't try to defend him, or else..." the King began.

Li Jun, not one to back down, interrupted by wrapping his arms around Elaine's waist and defiantly challenging his father. Rose, observing the escalating tension, couldn't stay silent any longer.

"EVERYBODY STOP!" Rose shouted, her voice cutting through the room. The entire place fell silent, even the servants and workers eavesdropping from the shadows were taken aback. No one had ever dared to stand up to the King like this, except perhaps his former wife, who Rosé bore a striking resemblance to.

"I suppose we'll eat separately," the King suggested, retreating to attend to his business matters. Rose retreated to her room, seemingly occupied with texting her friends but secretly spying on her brother. She couldn't resist the intrigue of the unfolding drama.

Elaine turned to leave but noticed that Li Jun was still holding her. He hesitated, then spoke earnestly, "Don't go. I want to apologize for everything."

Elaine, showing her forgiving nature, replied, "Don't bother. I've forgiven you."

"Really? I thought you were a 'don't mess with me' person," he asked, genuinely curious.

"Seriously," Elaine replied, a smile playing on her lips.

"You stood up for me in front of my father, making me feel like a coward," he admitted, which caused Elaine to laugh.

"No worries. So, truce?" Elaine proposed.

"Truce. How can I repay you?" Li Jun inquired."Never mind. Friends?" Elaine asked."

Friends. Anyway, I guess I could accompany you and Rose tomorrow to your recording studio, even though I declined earlier," Li Jun offered.

"Um, okay," Elaine accepted. Just then, Li Jun, with his arms still wrapped around Elaine's waist, bent forward and planted a friendly kiss on her forehead.Elaine looked up, surprised. "What was that for?"

"Just a friendly kiss. Doesn't mean anything," he shrugged."Goodbye," Li Jun said, pulling away.

"Goodbye," Elaine replied, a slight blush on her cheeks as she returned to her room. Li Jun, on the other hand, was left pondering the implications of that so-called "friendly kiss."

(Secretly, Rose took a picture of the two of them.)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi, everyone! I'd love to hear your thoughts:1. Why do you think Li Jun got angry at the mention of the queen?2. What motivated him to kiss Elaine?3. How do you think Rose will use the picture she took?Please like and vote for my book; I'm grateful for your support!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:(:):(:)

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