Tempest's Family Attack

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After the event where rimuru shakes the whole heavenly realm, all the gods held a meeting.

"Do you guys really want to let that foolish mortal shake us like this?! We are gods!" Said one of the god, clearly showing his pride.

" You shut up!! You don't know how it really feels back then!" Said the reincarnation goddess.

" Hoo, aren't you just coward? To think a goddess become this hectic just for a mere mortal!"

" That's right, we the gods have been the symbol of powers and hope to the mortals, how our believer would when they see us clearly shaken to the mortals?"


"Enough! You goddess are the one who in charge in reincarnation right? So you clearly don't know how it feels to have a believer!"

The goddess who hear this went silent, since the majority of the gods here had clearly oppose her, there's nothing she can do.

' this foolish old fart won't understand..!' the goddess silently cursed the gods in her heart, she still remember when the blue hair guy looked at her, and she still shuddered just by thinking about that again.

" We gonna really teach this arrogant mortal a lesson, let him know that there's  a being he shouldn't offense! Anyone has an idea?"

" I have, how about-"


Rimuru pov:

Today is another peaceful day to tempest household, it's been a week since the god incident and i still wary about it.

Today as usual i just went to train leica about her swordmanship, while i said i train leica, sometimes my daughters is here too with us.

What surprise me the most is both my daughters is surprisingly strong! Falfa seems to have endless stamina with her [Infinite regeneration] while shalsha is more skillfull when it come to sword art, well to be more precise it's more trickier.

She seems to grasp the skill from me and improvise it according to the type of enemy, ciel told me that with shalsha skill [thought acceleration 300x] she has more time analye the enemy fighting style and put on countermeasure.

" All right you guys! Time's up let's go back home!" I said while packing my stuff up, we start training at the early morning so we don't feel too tired.

We got back home, only to see beelzebub in living room with the...leviathan?

"Oh danna-sama, welcome home!" Azusa while taking my stuff off and kiss me on the cheek.

"Um i'm home" i kiss her forehead back. She smile at me.

"Em, rimuru i have something to talk to you" beelzwebub said while looking somewhat serious.

I just nodded sit opposing her in living room, i told my daughters to go take shower, leica who seems to understand this immediately go to the kitchen.

" So what's up?" I asked

"Listen here, i don't know what happen, but it seems the holy knight from the church going around this area"

" So? What's the problem?"

" I don't know the details, but it really seems suspicious since the nearest church is at human capital city"

" I see.."

"Well, it may be because they want to search a candidate for a holy maiden" beelzebub said with nonchalant expression

I'm a bit interested about this holy maiden thing, but oh well it's not my business.

"Danna-sama~ beelzebub! Come here, i make some pudding!" Azusa shouted from the kitchen

Me and beelzebub head straight to the kitchen.

After some time, beelzebub go back to her home because she seems to slack off from her work.

Me and my family now is chatting in the living room, i told them a fairy tale about a certain place named tempest.

"Wahh! A country where countless race live in harmony?! I wanna go there papa!!" Falfa said while jump to my chest

"Danna-sama..perhaps we should go to wonderful place like that as our honeymoon destination!" Azusa said.

"A dragon who gain a immense strength from a holy scripture..how interesting" leica said quietly

'Someday, i will you all there' i resolve in my heart.

At the evening leica said she has to go somewhere. And our daughters too went out to play at the village. Halkara is busy managing her new factory so she wouldn't come back until midnight

I take the this opportunities while being alone with azusa and flirt with her. While she doing dishes i hug her from behind and kiss her cheek.

"What are you doing danna-sama~" she said while looking at me as if she knows what i'm thinking about

"Nothing just expressing my affection to my wifey" i said while chuckled

We were as flirting and in a good mood. But all that turn into grimace when midnight come.

I remember..i certainly remember..when is said to my daughters

"Don't go too far, and come home before sunset".

But they both NEVER COME BACK.

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