2/ Games

460 16 2

Izuku's POV

I was sitting the the locker rooms with Kacchan and his friends. They were all physicals so it made sense they were athletic.

"You know for a song bird you played well."

"Are your saying song birds aren't good at anything but singing."

I looked the black haired straight into the eyes.

He cowards and quickly said

"No no no. I was just saying maybe you should drop the singing and join our team."


I turn and see Kacchan he looks mad.

"There is no way I promised auntie before she died that I would keep him safe."

"But Bakubro it's not that dangerous."


Sighing slightly I changed before walking out of the change room. 
I will never truly fit in that world. Yes they were my friends but they had a different skill category and I was never made to play sports no matter how good I was.

How did I ever agree to playing that game. It was for a good cause but still.  I was a famous artist. I wrote music and went on tours all over the ocean I didn't play at sport matches. But yet I did again. I always said I wouldn't do it again but here I was.
People always said I had to big of a heart for my own good but I would never believe them.  I cared for every thing living in the sea.  I would would always do that.

We headed North to my home. And by we I meant me and my body guards. I couldn't go any where without them because they kept me safe or something like that. Not that I think I'm in danger but rather Kacchan thinks I'm in danger. Yes that is right the great Katsuki Bakugo the GOAT (greatest of all time) of coral ball has feelings. Me and him go way back.

As the normal is down here you find out your skill when your 2 years of age. Now unlike the humans when you are 2 you already think for yourselves and do a whole bunch of things. Humans get that skill when they are about 5 or 6.

My mother and his mother were high school friends so, when they both had a child in the same year we became pretty good friends. He was always the stronger one always looking out for me. So it was not surprise when he was a physical. It was to be expected. However, when I was a song bird things really changed. I could barley go anywhere with him worrying. People were always worrying. I never saw what for. Here I was trapped in my room hundreds of people guarding me.  Protecting me from what. I was living in a deep part of the ocean. The surface was a fair bit above it. Taunting me because I would never be able to see it.


I push open the curtains of my room.

I hand to plan this carefully. Kacchan is coming over on his daily check up.  Based on the shell clock on the wall I have around 20 minutes. The first thing he would do is come to my room so I need to be long gone or else I would never get anywhere and they would double the amount of guards. Aka security would be way worst.

I poke my head out of the window. All clear alright go. Swim swim swim.  I cannot be caught. 

As I near the surface I see my chance it will all be good.


I look and see a net around me.  That can't be good. UM. IM A LITTLE STUCK. Oh no no no. I only wanted a look then. I would go back no one would have known. But fate had different plans it always did.

Kacchan POV

After a long day I finally arrived at Izuku's place. I went up stairs to his room. And knocked on the door.  No answer.

"Izuku come on. Are you made at me?"

Still no answer.

"Come on Izuku this isn't funny. Open up."

"Izuku please."

When he didn't answer I busted the door open. The room was empty. Okay no need to panic he could be in the garden. Yeah that's it.

I swam over to his window and looked down on the garden. Not there either.

Then I panicked. I swam around asking if anyone had seen him and where it had been.

No one had seen him after he had gone into his room.

After searching the whole home I found nothing.

Izuku don't tell me you went to the surface.


End of chapter two see you next chapter

AN signing off

Word count 799

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