5/ Freeing him

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Todoroki POV

I couldn't help but admire the figure in the tank. He was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen and believe me I have seen many of creatures. Here I was sitting in front of the tank my hands pressed on the glass. It was clear that the merman was in distress so I was trying to calm him down.

"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."

He looked at me and slowly stared to swim up to the glass and put his hand on the other side of the glass on top of my hand he as smiling.

"Oh. Do you understand me.?"

He looked at me and gave a quick nod.

"That's amazing. Now I have someone to talk to even if you don't talk back you can just listen okay?"

He nodded.

"Okay I have to go but I will be back."

He gave a small wave and swam down into his cave area.

Kacchan POV

We had successful infiltration the house now we had to find him. Inside the wall there was one large building I assumed the main house and a smaller house that looked like a shed. Way to small to hold a merman even if Izuku was small. Looking around this man really like collecting rare things based on the plants and animals in his garden.

"I bet he's in the house lets go there."

We head towards the house. Following a path we find ourselves in a dimly lit hallway. The only door in the hallway was painted blue and had some marking on it in black.

"Okay I have to go but I will be back."

We all turn to the source of the voice. A younger male walked out of the room. He hand white and red hair as well as a red mark over one is his eyes. When the door is open I catch a glimpse of a water reflection on the wall. Could he be in there. Izuku has been missing for four weeks now and we are so close to getting him back.

Once the male has gotten out of ear shoot we walk to the door he came from. Carefully we unlock it.
"Hopefully Midobro is in here." Kirishima says.

With that we step in and are amazing by the contents of the room.

In the middle of the room sat a huge tank. Running over we look inside. In the far corner we can see a green tail. I would recognize that tail anywhere. Tapping on the glass I say


He jolts up and swims over to us.

"Izuku we are going to get you out of here. I promise."

I look over him. He looks not super hurt is you don't count his neck. A black collar wrapped around way to tight with scratch marks on it.
I point at the collar my eyes asking a question. His opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. He then points at the collar.

"Is it preventing you from speaking?"

I violently nods over and over.

"It's okay. We will get it off. Now I need you to swim away from the glass. I'm going to break it."

He quickly swam to the other side of the tank and waited.

Aiming my hand and follow a nice punch and land out on the glass.
It shatters.
Izuku was now free.


End of chapter five

Word count 579

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