Adopted (pt3)

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a/n: heyyyyyyyy. lol stuff happens ig

Ranboo sat in the car, uncomfortable, drumming their fingers anxiously. What would everyone think of them? Would they be hated? Oh god.... would they have to introduce themself? "Ranboo? Mate, we're here." Oh.

They stumbled out of the car, almost hitting their head on the roof. They tried to stick as close to the people they knew as possible. "Soooo, Ranboob, what classes do you have?" Tubbo said, shuffling closer to them.

Ranboo handed him the paper numbly. "Wait... did you just call me Ranboob?"

"Yeah, what about it, boob boy? Anyway, you and Tommy have your first two classes together, then we all have PE and you have your first class alone. After that, you're pretty lucky; we have one class together, then all three of us together for the rest of the day." Tubbo monolouged.

Ranboo chuckled, half in relief of only being alone for one class, and half because of Tubbo's strange nickname for them. They almost didn't notice the way that Tubbo called them a boy. Almost.

The first part of the day went by smoothly. PE was a bitch, but wasn't it always? Either way, now came their only class alone. Actually, it wasn't that bad. All that anxiety for nothing- wait. Lunch.

They walked into the cafeteria and were immediately overwhelmed by all the voices. They kept their head down and slouched, only occasionally looking up to search for their friends. "OI! RANBOOB! GET OVER HERE!"

Ranboo turned gratefully towards the sound of Tommy's voice. They fast-walked over to their table, waving awkwardly. "Ranboo, meet Fundy. If you hear anyone calling him a girl, sock them in the face or ignore them."

Fundy's face flushed, and he looked up at Ranboo, who was giving an understanding but hesitant smile. Fundy made an "Oh" face and quickly asked "So, Ranboo, what are your pronouns? I use he/him." 

"Uh- I um- I don't really-" Ranboo stuttered out. Should they tell everyone? Would they hate them? What if they-

"Hey, uh, it's fine Ranboo! You don't have to say anything if you don't know yet." Fundy blurted out, trying to save the situation. 

"No- I- it's fine." Ranboo cast a glance over to Tommy and Tubbo, who hadn't even been paying attention the entire time. "You- you know, fuck it, it's not like you can kick me out of the house. I use they/them." Ranboo said, whispering the last part.

Fundy smiled. "Okay, but I hope you know they really won't kick you out just because you use they/them pronouns."

Ranboo smiled sarcastically. "That's what I told myself the first 15 times."


At the end of the day, Ranboo was exhausted. They were about ready to collapse on their bed and never wake up again. "OI! GET IN HERE LOSERS, WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!" 


Ranboo took a step back alarmed by the yelling. Tubbo gently grabbed their hand and dragged them towards the car. "Tubbo? Why..." Ranboo yawned, "Why are we goin' with Wilbur?"

"Phil still has work for a few hours, 'boo. Wilbur is the only one other with a car." 



The rest of the day turned out to not be all that bad. They got coffee, helped Wilbur pick out a present for a girl named Sally, and then headed back after walking around the mall for a while. Ranboo sat on their bed, staring at the ceiling. They found themself thinking about Fundy's words...

They were doing it. They can do this. On their own. They've got this.

...They're calling Niki.


"Hi Niki. I was uh- I was-" They lowered their voice, "I was thinking about... maybe... coming out? To my foster, I mean. And uh Tommy. And Tubbo. And Wil-"

"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA RANBOO! Oh, sorry, no yelling. But I'm sure they'll all accept you!" Niki exclaimed.

"Uh-huh, whatever you say... but how should I do it? I'm just so awkward, and the way i say it might make them reconsider throwing me out?"

"Ranboo, they won't throw you out. Just say it however you think is the best way for you. If they don't accept you, then screw them, you can come live with me." Niki said, knowing full well the last scenario wasn't going to happen.

"Okay... I love you, Niki." (not in a weird way you creep) Ranboo said, voice shaking.

"Love you too, Ranboo-" They hung up and sighed. Okay, so we're doing this. (NUMBER NINE-)


It was dinner, and they all went down. All of them.

It was fairly awkward being down there when they hadn't gone down before, but Ranboo was enjoying themself. 

Oh. They still had to do this. Here goes nothing...

a/n: HEHEHEHE CLIFFHANGER BECAUSE I GOT LAZY (and guys please give me requests im running out of ideas-)

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