Talk with Izuku & Sludge villain

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As Ticker was walking down a hallway he remembered he needed to talk with Izuku about his hero notebook. Before he entered homeroom, he heard something that made his blood boil.

Bakugou: If you want to be a hero, you should take a swan dive off the roof.

As the door was opened, Bakugou saw Ticker standing there. He told Ticker to move out of the way and stormed off with his two cronies. Ticker entered the room and went to comfort Izuku.

Ticker: Hey Izuku, I heard what Bakugou said. And might I ask, where is your hero notebook?

Izuku: He burnt my notebook and tossed it out the window.

Ticker: If I were you I would get rid of him as a friend.

Izuku: You are probably right.

Ticker: I will buy you a new notebook when I get the chance.

Izuku smiled at the thoughtful gesture and walked out of the classroom. Ticker looked at the pond the notebook was tossed into and frowned.

Voice: You need to punish Bakugou for what he did.

Ticker: (He needs to be punished, but not by me.)

Voice: You saw how the class laughed at him! The teacher did nothing to stop his torment either!

Ticker: (I know that but, if I did anything to Bakugou, he would assume I'm doing for Izukus' sake. He would only bully him more and I don't know how far he would take it.)

Ticker finished the conversation with his "other friend" and walked home. He dropped by a store and bought a new notebook to give Izuku at a later date. When he arrived home he turned on the TV and saw a sludge monster attacking people. He noticed it was Bakugou and a sinister smile appeared on his face. Izuku ran in to save Bakugou and was almost killed, but then, All Might showed up. The sludge villain was defeated and Izuku walked home and received One for All. Ticker sat on the couch with disatisfaction upon seeing Bakugou getting praise from the heroes. He assumed Izuku was scolded for what he did. Ticker went to his room to sleep and get ready for the hero entrance exam.

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