Chapter Four

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Two days later..

My eyes slowly open again, adjusting to the bright light of the afternoon sun. How long have I been sleeping? I should be embarrassed though. ''Good morning, sunshine.'', I heard Stefan say when he opened the door, grinning slightly. ''What time is it?'', I asked while yawning. ''It's only three in the afternoon, you've been sleeping two days.'' My eyes widen, a small chuckle leaving Stefan's lips. ''My father must be very worried, and I feel dirty and such. I think I should leave now, Stefan.'' The grin on his face disappeared, which clearly let me know he didn't want me to leave. ''Wait.. There is a pond some streets away from here, in the middle of the woods. Want to go there?'', he asked, making me frown slightly. At first, how is it possible that there is a pond in the middle of the woods, and I didn't have any swim stuff with me. Like he had been reading my mind, he said: ''Don't worry, you don't need any stuff, just come with me.'' I panicked a little. Was he going to swim too? That meant I would see him.. half naked. I blushed already at the thought of it but nodded at his words. ''Alright then...'' The gentleman he is, he helped me out of bed and downstairs and we went to the pond. There was nobody there, just the sound of the wind blowing through the trees and the birds whistling their songs. Before I could even blink I saw Stefan's shirt and trousers laying on the muddy ground and heard a splash. I turned my head towards the pond and saw Stefan coming to the surface again, his hand going through his soaked hair. ''Get in!'', he said as he turned around to me. I softly shook my head. ''Not yet... It's so cold.'' I sat down at the edge of the pond, sliding my feet into the water until my ankles. Stefan splashed teasingly some water to me. ''Don't be such a chicken, Dahlia.'' ''I'm not a chicken, I'm just still recovering from Damon's attack.'' He sighed. ''Fine, Chicken Dahlia..'' I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him again, and he slowly disappeared under water. For a little moment I looked around the area. It was beautiful. The sun shining through the ceiling of leaves above me, shining into my face. I closed my eyes, enjoying the little bit of warmth on my pale skin. A wave of water made me wake up from my daydream. I gasped, crawling up that fast it made me dizzy. Stefan grinned. ''Just come into the water, I didn't bring you here for nothing...'', Stefan said, a challenging look appearing on his face. ''Alright, if you want that.'' I slowly take my dress off, standing at the edge of the pond in my short, white under dress. ''Just jump.. I will catch you.'', Stefan said, spreading his arms. ''Oh no, I'm not trusting you anymore, Salvatore.'', I said teasingly, letting my body slowly sliding into the water. I immediately started to shiver. Of course the water was cold, what else did I expected? ''See? I told you it wasn't a disaster to get into the water.'', he said as he walked closer to me. I started to grin. ''Exactly, it's not a disaster..'' With that, I started to lean on his back. Because it was unexpected, he disappeared under water. I giggled softly. This must have been the nicest day in years. Ever since the world began, it was done with the fun. I felt his arms snaking around my waist as he got to the surface again, I stopped giggling and just stared into his eyes. He pulled me closer, making my hands rest on his chest. My heart was beating like a maniac as his face was coming closer to mine, I slowly tilt my head and closed my eyes. His lips were soft, something you didn't expect from a vampire though, yet they were cold as ice. A shiver ran through my spine, might be from pleasure or coldness. It felt right. I let my hand rest on the back of his neck, the other one still against his chest. It probably took a minute, but it felt like ages. The sudden sound of thunder made both of us look up, little rain drops falling out of the sky into the pond. ''We should go before it starts to rain more...'', Stefan suggested, I nodded. I could feel he was staring at me as we got out of the pond. Let's say, the little dress I had been wearing to cover up most parts was useless right now. Everything was visible now it was wet. As soon we both were fully dressed, it was raining extremely hard. Without even being in a hurry to arrive dry at the house, we walked back at the Mansion. His hand holding mine the whole time. And eventually at the Mansion, he pinned me down to the bed I've been waking up in just an hour ago. As the soft sound of rain hitting the roof could be heard in the house, nothing else but love mattered.

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