Chapter One

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It was the day of my 17th birthday, nothing very special. It was the year of 1942, in the middle of the second world war. Nobody could celebrate their birthday, Christmas or whatever how they wanted it. Like usual, I woke up, took a shower and went downstairs to have breakfast with my family: My father and my two younger sisters. Marybelle and Rosalie were both ten years old and suffered more from my father's addiction than I did: Alcohol. He started a few days ago, and I was afraid. Afraid he might hurt me or my little sisters. Father has always been a violent man, and ever since mother died, it even got worse. Let's say, he lost his mind. He joined the local police to hunt on vampires? For as far as I know, vampires are fictional characters in books, not reality. Yesterday he told me that three vampires arrived in New Orleans, and that I should be careful. For now, I just want to stay away from him as much as possible. It was the best for both of us. The only different thing from all the other breakfasts the last years was the little cake in front of me. It made me smile. Even in these horrible times, they didn't forget my birthday. It was a nice time, yet the tension was still there. I kept an eye on my father, who was drinking bourbon like it was water.

I wanted to spend this special day with my friends in the local pub, something we always did if one of us had a reason to celebrate something. Clover's engagement, Sarah's wedding, Lydia's birthday. I was the youngest of us all, and my last relationship ended when I was sixteen. ''You need a man, Dahlia.'', was the first thing Sarah said when I joined the group. No kisses, no hugs, no congratulations. Only that. ''Happy Birthday, Dahlia.'', Lydia said, a smile forming on her lips. ''Thanks, Lydia.'', I say, grinning at Sarah before hugging Lydia. We were different from the other girls. Those who always were around men -soldiers most of the time- weren't in this group. ''Stop the talk for a while, I need a drink.'', Clover mumbled and I searched for some money in my purse. ''First round is from me, thank me later.'', I say with a smile before walking to the bar. ''Excuse me.'', I mumbled as I wriggled myself between two men, trying to reach the bar. ''All you have to do is ask to pass us, sweetheart.'', one of them said. I look up at him, a frown forming on my forehead. ''Damon, stop it.'', the other one mumbled, taking a step to the left so I could pass them easily. He smiled at me, which made me smile automatically. ''Thank you.'' I walk over to the bar and order four wine, hiding my blush. I soon realise I also have to go past them to get back to the girls. I pay the drinks, take them in my hands and walk over to the two guys. This time they didn't say a word, but I could feel their gaze burning on my back. I swallow hardly before turning to the safe corner where my friends were standing. ''Dahlia, what's wrong? It isn't that warm yet here.'', Lydia asked worried as she took her glass from me. The grin on Sarah's face couldn't be missed. ''Do you see those two soldiers there?'' All three of them were peeking at Damon and the other guy, making me die of embarrassment. Sarah started to laugh, looking back at me. ''Which one of the two?'' ''Sarah, stop it!'', Clover said, hugging me. ''The poor thing can't blush even more...'' One of the bad things about my friends? They always tried to couple the girls without a man. It was extremely annoying, and I was in the middle of another plan of them. ''Tell us who it is, Dahlia. Is it Damon?'', Sarah asked, I sigh deeply. ''No, not him.'' ''Stefan!'', Lydia giggled, running towards the two men. I burry my face in Clover's shoulder, moaning irritated. ''Get used to it, kiddo.'', she mumbled, patting my shoulder a few times. I look up, watching how both Sarah and Lydia dragged Stefan along to us. I fix my hair and dress, looking at Clover and sigh relieved as she nodded. I turn my face back into Stefan's direction, smiling as he was standing in front of me. ''You must be Dahlia.'', he said. I had to admit, my name sounded amazing when he said it. ''Yes, that's me.'', I answer, not realising my friends were leaving one by one. ''I'm Stefan, Stefan Salvatore.'', he said, extending his hand to shake mine. I shake his hand, my blue eyes meeting his green ones. ''It's nice to meet you, Stefan.'' For a moment we just smiled at each other, until Damon ruined the moment. ''Brother, we got to go..'' Stefan sighed, not amused to leave this soon. ''I hope I'll see you later, Dahlia.'', he said, smiling another time before he and Damon walked away. Immediately my friends were technically running back to me, overwhelming me with questions. ''What did he say, Dahlia?'', Sarah asked, hoping for a good answer. ''He said he hopes to see me later.'', I say softly, getting hugged by all three of them. This was ridiculous. I tried to take a sip of my wine, but that was impossible when three girls were hugging you to death. ''This doesn't even mean I will see him again, calm down.'', I mumble, and they slowly let go. ''Do you want to see him again?'' ''Well, yes. But...'' ''Than you will see him again, I'm sure of that.'', Lydia said. ''You need to give people the chance to get to know the real you.'' I slowly nod, a smile forming on my lips. ''I'm seventeen now. A new year, a new life, full of surprises. Let's get drunk now.''

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