NickNames (HighSchool AU)

110 7 1

-Felix's P.O.V-


It was near the end of the day and our last class was gym. Me, Cry, Mark, Minx and Ken were walking as a big group towards the gymnasium. Cry was going on about how much he didn't want to do a fitness class.

"It's just terrible! Making us run like that, and I'm always the first one out anyway. I get to make shameful eye contacts with the teachers." Cry ranted as we walked into the gym.

Minx and Ken just rolled their eyes before walking away with Mark following behind them. I noticed none of the normal gear was set up for the run and I sighed in relief as the badminton equipment was still out.

"Well look at that! Your bitching finally did something useful." I said happily, slapping Cry on the shoulders.

I noticed the gym teachers talking near by and picked up some words and figured out this was a free class. Cry noticed too as he smiled and dropped his bag by the door.

"Time to walk laps!" Cry exclaimed, turning to face me.

"Aw come on! I'm a runner! I need something more active than that." I pouted, starting to walk beside Cry.

"Well I hate gym and-" Cry started, turning his head to look at people playing badminton. He spoke with a disgusted tone. "-physical activity."

I started to laugh and Cry soon joined in.

"Gym is such a useless class anyway, I can't see why you like it." Cry stated.

I shrugged, glancing at volleyball players beside us.

"Please don't go into a fitness rant." I pleaded jokingly.

"I don't rant! I've said this before-" Cry started angrily.

"You're ranting." I cut in plainly.

Cry huffed before adjusting his mask angrily. I smiled slightly.

"Your such a Crybaby." I chimed

Cry slowed down then stopped, I stopped and turned back to look at him. We stopped in an empty corner of the gym. Cry slide his mask down so I could see his eyes which seemed to be smoldering.

"Run far." Cry stated coldly.

"Oh no...Look Cry maybe I shouldn't have said-" I started nervously and fast but Cry cut me off.

"Run fast." He finished.

Well I bolted in the opposite direction because fun fact: when Cry is pissed, you get out of his way. So I ran fast and glanced behind me to see Cry behind me and keeping pace. I let out a slight yelp. Cry wasn't a fitness person but Jesus, when motivated he could run fast. I pasted Minx and Ken along with a few other people.

"Woah. Felix you're on the fucking track team! Run faster!" Ken yelled at me.

"You're the best runner!" I heard Marzia pip up.

From a little ways back I heard Minx. "Kick his ass Cry!"

Thanks Minx.

Everyone had stopped doing what they were to watch Cry chase me. I started thinking.

'Shit! Shit! Shit! How is he even keeping up!? Well I'm-'

My thoughts were cut short when someone tackled me from behind, causing us to tumble to a stop. I blinked so I could focus on who tackled me, and not surprisingly it was Cry. Cry was sitting not too far away, panting quite lightly for someone who just ran four laps. He glanced my way with one eye showing due to the fact his mask was crooked. He smiled widely while fixing his mask, his shoulders shaking slightly from laughter. He burst out laughing while he stood up to hover over my ass who was laying on the floor.

“There, I got revenge!” He declared loudly.

“You’re an asshole.” I mumbled glaring up at him.

“I’m your asshole.” He mocked using a sweet tone.

I heard Minx scream from across the gym.

“Just kiss already!”

Me and Cry both froze, from what I could see his face was going red and I could feel my cheeks burning. Cry just facepalmed and walked towards the bathroom before starting to jog and cover the rest of his face, although you could clearly hear him laughing. I laid there for a moment before standing up and turning to face most of the people watching.

“Aw. You embarrassed him.” I said using the same sweet mocking tone as Cry.

Some people laughed as I went to go check on Cry as the bell rang signalling we get to go home now. Just before I went into the bathroom I just barely heard.

“I ship it.”



Pause for giggling.

“You can’t ship it without a name.”

“Oh really? What should it be Marzia?”


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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