Chapter 13

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***I am NOT in a good mood cos Wattpad deleted half this chapter so I had to rewrite it so be grateful for the early update***

I woke up at 1:30pm, curled up under my duvet with Jaffa next to me. Mind you, I went to sleep at 4am so c'mon, you can't blame me... oops.

I rolled over and picked up my new phone. My iPhone 6 arrived yesterday, and I love it! Anyway, I saw a new message so I unlocked the phone and looked at it. It was from 5 minutes ago- luckily.

From: Gracey >•<
Bella, come meet me in town? I need to get Louis a Christmas present and I don't know what to get so I guessed you'd be the best person! Xxxx

I immediately tapped out a reply.

To: Gracey >•<
Sure, I'll be there in 20! Xxxx

I leapt out of bed and pulled on leggings, a long sleeved white crop too and a baggy, mint green sweater with my Uggs and ran downstairs, phone in hand, grabbing my pack of mint gum from the kitchen island and quickly popping some in my mouth, before running to the study where mum was sat at the Mac.

"Mum, can you drop me at the mall? I need to meet Grace." I panted and she nodded. "Sure, gimme a sec." she said and stood up, setting the computer screen onto sleep mode and grabbing her range rover keys.

I walked to the front door and grabbed my cream infinity scarf and matching beanie, also taking my Radley shoulder bag that Lou and Katie got me as a joint birthday present last year. I put my phone and my purse in it and slung it over my shoulder as mum walked up. We went out to the white range rover and climbed in, heading to the town centre.

I made it there within 15 minutes, quickly thanking mum and pecking her cheek before taking out my phone and ringing Grace. "I'm outside HMV, meet me!" I panted as soon as she picked up. "Wow, you're early! On my way, be there in 2" she laughed and hung up, and sure enough she appeared in a couple minutes.

"Grace!" I hugged her and she hugged me back. "Hey Bella, now, any ideas what I can get him?!" She asked and I grinned. "I have the perfect idea!" I pulled her into HMV. "So. Lou loves The Fray but I know full well he has all the albums. So instead of getting him the CDs, you could get him... Tickets!!" I told her, pointing to the massive, "The Fray at Wembley Arena" sign hung on the wall.

"Oh my god Bella you absolute GENIUS!!" She cried and I smirked and flicked my hair over my shoulder. "I try my best!" I said smugly and she shoved me. "Woah, vain much?!" She joked and I laughed. "So, they're selling tickets here so lets go get 'em!" I cried and we walked to the counter. "I'd like 3 tickets to The Fray please!" She said but I stopped her. "Woah wait, 3?!" I asked and she nodded. "So I can take you for your genius idea!" She replied simply and I grinned but shook my head. "Thanks, but no. This is for you two." I told her and she sighed. "Okay, TWO tickets to The Fray", she corrected herself.

Once we had the tickets, she turned to me. "Can we go to Jack Wills? I wanted to get a hoodie." she said and I nodded- forgetting about one minor problem... Karyn.

We walked into the store and upstairs to the ladies section. I decided to buy a hoodie too, so we picked out our designs. We already knew out sizes from precious shops here so we picked them out and took them to the till- thankfully there was no sign of Karyn. "So. Shakeaway?" Grace said and I grinned. "Yesyesyes!"

But when we reached the stairs we had an encounter with the last person I wanted to see. "Ooh, if it isn't little Isabelle!" She snickered, and I groaned. "It's IsabellA, if you don't mind, and yes it is me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some shopping to do, so I kindly suggest you move before I force you to!" I snapped and she gasped. But I wasn't expecting what came next. "Ooh, what's that? There's a fly on your face!" She gushed... And slapped me- hard- on the cheek, the sound echoing down the staircase. I stood in shock as Grace suddenly snapped. "NO one, and I mean NO ONE SLAPS MY BEST FRIEND!" She screamed and tackled Karyn, who twisted her round and shoved her... Right down the stairs.

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