Chapter 5

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***Dedicated to gracecadby13 , ly :* ***

As we sat in the backseat of Dan's mums car, hands intertwined, I couldn't help but wonder- what are we now? I mean he hadn't officially asked me to be his girlfriend. I'm so confused! And the one person who could help was asleep in a hospital bed...

I sighed and Dan looked at me, concerned. "What's wrong, Izz?" He asked and I forced a smile onto my face. "Nothing, just worried about Lou, that's all." I lied, feeling a little guilty but it couldn't be helped.

We pulled up into Dan's drive and he grabbed some things for overnight before we walked across to my house. I unlocked the front door just as it started raining softly, and we stepped into the warmth of my home. I helped Dan lug some of his stuff up to my room and we decided to have a movie night and order in a pizza.

We ran back downstairs and jumped on the sofa, but he was a millisecond quicker than me so I landed awkwardly on top of him, which resulted in a tangle of arms and legs. He laughed as I fell onto the floor with a loud, "OUCH!", before he asked an extremely important question- "Pepperoni or Hawaiian?"

"Dammmnn, why'd you give me the choice?" I whined, frowning. "Can we have a half and half?" I asked, my eyes lighting up as I thought of something else, "Can we have stuffed crust? Pleasepleaseplease?" I asked, using my best puppy dog eyes. He laughed at me. "You're too cute, Izz. You don't need to use puppy dog eyes to persuade me to buy stuffed crust!"

He pulled out his phone and dialled Domino's. I skipped into the kitchen and grabbed two cans of Pepsi, hearing him order our pizza and garlic bread. I grabbed a bowl and put it under the popcorn machine, which I filled with kernels and turned on as Dan walked in. "Pizza's on its way!" He said, and then he saw the popcorn machine. His eyes lit up. "Ooh!! Phil has one of these, he got it for Christmas!" He jumped when a kernel popped and fell into the bowl, and I laughed at him, passing him his Pepsi.

When the bowl filled up I added some salt and carried it into the living room. Dan had brought down my fluffy blanket and was curled up under it; I was just about to join him when the doorbell rang. Our eyes lit up and we looked at each other... "PIZZA'S HERE!" We cried then burst out laughing. He went to the door and grabbed the food as I set up Love Actually and snuggled under the blanket. I heard a small meow and looked down to see my kitten Jaffa staring up at us. I giggled and scooped her up, putting her on Dan's stomach. She curled up, purring as Dan laughed and stroked her, 'aw'ing as she fell asleep.

A couple of hours (and bowls of popcorn) later, all the food was gone so Dan sent me to make another bowl of popcorn. I looked through the cupboards before remembering I had used up the last of the kernels earlier. "Dan! There's no popcorn!" I called. No reply. "Dan?" I repeated, walking into the living room. Dan and all the mess we had made was gone. What?

I walked up to my room, worried, only to find him up on my bed, smirking. "Daniel Howell you scared the fu-" he covered my mouth before I could finished the word. "Language Izz!" He grinned and I scoffed, taking his hand away from my mouth. "Says you!" I retorted. "Hmm, you have a point. Anyway, I've just realised how little we know each other, so how about a game of 20 questions?"

"Okay. Full name?"
"Daniel James Howell."
"Isabella Rose Gray."

"Favourite colour?"

"First kiss?"
"Umm... I haven't had one?" He said shyly.
"It's okay, I haven't either," I told him truthfully. Yes I know I'm sixteen but I don't care!

"Dream first kiss?" He asked me.
"Hmmm, in the dark in the rain, in a park preferably." I told him. "Same!" He told me, grinning.


"Okay. I have one final question for you Izz." he took a deep breath before continuing, "as you already know, I've fallen for you. Hard. And I know we only met on Monday, but I feel like I've known you my entire life. So will you, Isabella Rose Gray, be my beautiful girlfriend?"

Oh. My. Gawd. "Yes, Daniel James Howell. I will." he hugged me tight, as we lay next to each other on my bed. Soon I felt myself drifting off to sleep, warm and safe in his arms.


"Izz," I heard the voice of my perfect boyfriend in my ear. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled at his excited face. "Yeah?" I whispered to him, squinting my eyes to see the time- 1:00am?! "C'mon", he whispered, dragging me out of my bed and over to the window. I looked outside; it was pouring with rain. "Let's go outside!" He whisper-yelled, grinning adorably.

I giggled as his dimple popped out on his cheek and he rolled his eyes. "Come on!" He pulled me out of my room and we tiptoed past my mum and dads room then my sisters' room - both of which were empty, why did we tiptoe?-, going downstairs and pulling on coats. I slipped my key in my pocket and we slowly unlocked the front door, opening it to be greeted with the sound and smell of rain on tarmac.

We stepped under the shelter over my front door and quietly closed it. Dan held my hand, "three, two, one, GO!" We sprinted out into the rain, squealing as it dripped down our necks. He pulled me over the road to the park, where we ran through the trees to a little clearing.

He smiled at me, blushing slightly as he spoke. "I... I think I love you", He whispered gently, wiping a raindrop from the tip of my nose. I giggled, resting my forehead against Dan's as the rain poured around us, my hair hanging limply in rats tails as his lay curled slightly against his head. "I love you too, Dan", I whispered back, looking into his eyes and looking away again, feeling a blush rise into my cheeks as I leaned my head back into the rain.

I looked over at Dan and our eyes locked. I watched carefully as he slowly leant forward, then realised I was doing the same, almost as if he was a magnet pulling me towards him. We got closer and closer, until his lips were about a centimetre from mine. Our noses bumped and we giggled; Dan tilted his head slightly and finally our lips touched. It was a soft and gentle kiss that only lasted a couple of seconds-but it was perfect.

Dan rested his forehead against mine, smiling softly at me. "You always said you wanted someone to kiss you in the rain in the middle of the night," he said softly, interlocking our hands and pulling me towards him, hugging me. I hugged him back, "I love you Daniel Howell," I said. "I love you too, Isabella Gray," he replied, "now c'mon, let's get home before we freeze to death!"

****Yayy Dizzy is official!!!! Be grateful for the update, a CERTAIN PERSON wanted me to update, not mentioning any names **coughGracecough** so here you go Grace, you'd better like it or I won't be happy with you tomorrow ;) :* love you really.

Update again soon! (I have to or Grace may murder me)

Dan's first video attached :') I had to, SORRY DANIEL :*

Vote and comment! ^_^

Naomi, signing out! X

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