Chapter 21:Affairs Of The Heart & The Pregnancy Mafia

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"What do you mean she's not your daughter? Whose daughter is she?" Destiny asked as he paced before her with a glass of brandy in his hand. She grabbed the glass out of his death clutch and glared at him. "You need to keep a clear head while we figure this out," She threw the remaining contents into the sink, hugging him tight.

"If I knew I would tell you babe. I just can't believe that little girl isn't mine," He looked down at her and smiled even though it didn't reach his eyes. The anger inside him was building to dangerous levels but the woman in his arms was keeping him sane. If this had happened before they had gotten together, he would've done something he wouldn't be proud of but being was this woman...his woman was keeping him level headed.

"Before I go to meet this man who helped Helena do this to me, I want you to tell me what that suprise you had for me was," They seperated for a moment as his cook began to move around the kitchen, preparing lunch for the family. She took his hands in led him back to the couch, sitting on his lap with her small body  against his larger one.

"I love you but this isn't the time. Especially after everything that has happened today, I just don't want to burden you with anything else," She kissed his cheek but he growled at her wondering when she would ever get that nothing she did would ever be a burden to him. He loved her, truly and wanted to take care of her since she hadn't been doing it very well in the last few years.

"Nothing you do could ever be a burden to me. Tell me what it is baby. I need some good news today," She sighed against him and reached into her pocket and retrieved a legal document. "What is this?" He looked at her blankly opening the document and skimming through it .

"Adoption papers?" He asked as he continued to read. "For Jeremy?" She nodded again leaning her head on his shoulder. He loved when she did that, looking at her knowing why she didn't want to say anything especially after they found out that Nell wasn't his biological daughter. She was thinking about him, about his feelings in all of this.. one of the  many reasons why he loved her.

"I want you to be Jeremy's father...legally. I want him to have your name and call you daddy. I want him to experience a man in his life who looks out for him and has his best interest at heart. I want him to be able to introduce you as his daddy and not as Mommy's boyfriend," There were tears in her eyes and he wiped them away before he started crying as well.

"He called me daddy before...while you were missing. I've been his father for a long time...but  I want you to be sure about this. You're putting your child's well-being in my hands and I don't want to let you down," She was silencing him with a kiss before he could finish his statement.

"You've never let me down and you never will. If you'll have us, I want you to be in my son's life," The paper was forgotten until she finally submitted and let him kiss her the way he had when he found out that she was pregnant. "Is that a yes?" She smiled cutely up at him pointing to the paper.

"Its a hell yes," He hastily signed, seeing that she had truly let him into her life. She pressed her fingers to his lips, silencing him.

"Nell's not your daughter but I love her as if she was. Before when I saw her, I saw Helena and I was guilty of hating an innocent little girl because of her mother's manipulation. Let's adopt her... you and me. I love her even though she isn't a part of you biologically, she's your daughter in spirit," He looked down at his amazing little woman knowing his life had taken a complete 360 since she had come into his life.

"You're so precious baby,"He heard noises upstairs and the squeals of Nell and Jeremy as they came downstairs and attacked them on the couch. "Oh no, the little monsters are here," He tickled Jeremy enjoying the sounds of children's laughter in a house which had been empty for so long, filling the empty void in his life.

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