3. tired

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"y/n what the hell?!" you heard tommy say as you both walked into the meeting. "we've been wating forever for you to hurry up and get here!" he said annoyingly witch you only reply with a simple 'sorry' before you both walk in and take a seat, just as tubbo starts talking.

"now as you have probably noticed, somethings have started to go missing, i just wanted to make it clear we are trying to find the missing items, if you see anything please come speak to us,understood?" he said with a calm smile on his face while everyone replied with a 'alright' or 'of corse'

"good, you can all go back to whatever you were doing." he said cheerfully as everyone got up and started to leave. when you were out of the room you started running to where you & ghostbur were sat. only to find the flowers & ghost were replaced for a note. you picked it up and started reading.

'sorry i had to leave, see you tomorow!!!' was the only thing writen on there, instantly knowing it was ghostburs hand-writing, you started to think when and where he would meet you but you stopped yourself thinking about that when you let a yawn slip from your mouth, as you put the note in your pocket and started wondering home, you lived in the woods because it was quiet and very peacefull there, the only real downside was mobs spawned all the time, but it wasnt that much of a problem to you. when you gotten to the front door you opened it up carefully trying not to awake your cat, when wilbur died you had gotten so sad that tubbo got you a cat, i mean sure it had only been 6 weeks but him getting stabbed really had a turn on your health . when you got in a little further you saw your cat, sooty, laying on the couch so you just let him do his thing while you went to sleep. you had gotten into your room and through your sword off to the other side of the room. you jumped into your bed and pulled the covers up over you falling into a sweet unconsciousness.

what I remember. // ghostbur x reader Where stories live. Discover now