Chapter 12

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"Sis?" Adam finally spoke up his voice cracking. The brunette lady pulled him into a hug, letting her tears run down as she sobbed.

She pulled away and studied her little brother. "Are you okay?" He nodded, giving her a smile. "I'm so sorry for never being there to help you out or make your life a little better..." I turned to the others and with my head, I told them to head to the patio to give them privacy. "Jennifer." I paused and turned around to face them. 

I made my way to his side. I place my hand on his shoulder in comfort.

"I was never there for you as a sister should've done for her brother, because I was selfish and I'm sorry, Adam." She broke his eye contact and stared at the gift in hand. "I'm proud of you for leaving that household and this... I thought I'd come wish you a happy birthday and ask for forgiveness."

A tear rolled down his face. "You always knew... But you did nothing to help numb my pain away..." He traced off.

 "You pretended to never see it... What changed? What do you want?" He asked, anger breaking through his words. I reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze to tell him to calm down.

"I grew up Adam and I saw the huge mistake I have done towards you... And I want to correct it... I want to be a real sister to you." Adam's gaze moved to our hands. He smiled, before turning his focus back to his sister.

"I love you sis... It never changed to hate or disappeared... I forgive you, but first... I need to heal, before letting you back into my life." I smiled at his words. His sister nodded. "Can I atleast get a hug then?" I moved my arm away and let go of his hand.

I watched as a brother and sister embraced each other, when they pulled away she handed him the gift. He appreciatively took it. She placed a kiss on his forehead before leaving. He closed the door and turned to me. A smile played on his face. He engulfed me into his arms. I slowly reciprocated the hug. Everyone walked back into the place.  "We're sorry that we overheard bits of the conversation."

We parted and gave the others a smile. "It's all good. Atleast you all know who I am..."

after dismissing what just occured. Everyone went back to socialising and dancing. I stood with Kat and Amelia. "It can kinda get intimidating having so many guys around us."

Amelia and I nodded agreeing with Katherine. "Especially if most of them are well built like that." I added, Amelia chuckled. "That has never stopped you from fighting with them though."  I thought what she said thoroughly. "It's because I don't like the idea of a guy having a one up on me..." They both nodded. "Since we're on the topic. What's your ideal type?" Amelia questioned us. Kat and I shared a similar look before shrugging. "I don't really have one... It's pointless having one, when you totally fall for different types that don't match what you're looking for."

"Like Adam?" They both played with their eyebrows insinuating that I like Adam, which I do. "I may not have a type, but... A guy who every day only tries to live his life according to the scriptures despite having trials and tribulations thrown his way... Yeah, he easily wins my heart." I stared in the direction the guys were chatting about who knows what. "Especially Adam... He's just different." They chuckled. "You're already so infatuated and it hasn't even been months since you've known him yet," Kat commented.

"This was just meant to happen y'know...?" I replied. "I thought you and Hayden were going to become a thing," Amelia added. "Adam thought he and I were dating." I let out a small laugh. "I'm glad the confusion has been lifted now."

"This is going to be a great story, filled with drama that I can't wait to see"  Amelia added.

We decided it was time to order food. We chose to order an Indian cuisine. "We're watching a movie while we eat," I spoke up, making my way to the living room area. I turned on the TV and searched for a movie we could all watch. "Everyone is fine with scary movies right?" Murmurs only came back and I took that as a yes. "Wait... Can't we watch that movie about that girl who was murdered because of her beliefs..." Adam suggested, I let out a defeated sigh. "Fine only cause it's your birthday and I enjoyed the movie. It brought tears to my eyes." He chuckled at my words.

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