Chapter 20

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"You did what?!" Kingston's voice roared over us in the meeting room. "You didn't only break protocol when you attacked a fourteen-year-old kid. But you befriended a former suspect, who is an innocent 18-year-old." He shook his head, his brunette hair falling into his eyes. "And then because you have become sloppy, you told her the truth." He scoffed. 

"And a few days after that... She is taken by the people you were supposed to be keeping an eye on."

He shook his head disappointed. "Why did you stupid fools get distracted by a mere girl?" Devin glanced at me, but I ignored his gaze. "Look, I know we have messed up and I know what your decision is. I just would like to tell you this; it's not their fault. I got distracted and lost focus on the mission."

He laughed. "That's what I love about you, Wyatt. You know how to take responsibility for your actions, but what ticks me off is that you never really take action to fix it."

I clenched my jaw, before standing up. "You want me to take action?" I searched the man's eyes. "Then let us solve this and get her back." 

His brown eyes sternly searched mine, before he sighed. "Let's get this clear. I'm allowing you to find her and save her but after this... You're suspended from your work."

I inhaled sharply, clenched my jaw, and nodded my head.

"I accept." He nodded. 

"Well then, let's get started." The boys stood up and walked out of the office, I followed suit. They all gave me stern looks.

"Why would you agree to that?" I looked down at the floor and clenched my jaw. "Because it's my fault what happened to Jennifer..." I traced off and licked my lips.

"Getting her back is all I care about." They sighed and kept silent as we headed out to our headquarters. Once alone my anger took over and I began throwing things around and trashing my office.

I shouldn't have gotten close to her. I shouldn't have let her in. She is in danger and it's all my fault. 

I raked my hair, pushing it back in shape.

I slid down the wall taking a seat on the cold ground. I brought my hands together on my knees and supported my head on them. I can never do anything right. I wasn't even deserving of the time and the moments I spent with her.

I looked up at the ceiling and exhaled. "Once again... I failed God, maybe that's my special talent." I chuckled coldly at myself. "I'm a failure in everything. Hell, I even managed to fail You."

I closed my eyes and held my head in my hands, realising my mistake. "Right, I'm sorry. I know we always have your words to fall back on and trust in, but I'm just venting and being upfront with my emotions..." I paused, before getting on my knees and folded my hands together.

"Forgive me father for letting myself get lost in my anger. It's not bigger for the love and appreciation and service I bring to you or my--." I cleared my throat. "My love for her. God, I pray that you keep her safe, and may she not weaken and lose hope in this midst of danger and the darkness surrounding her trying to choke her. I pray this in your mighty name Lord, Amen."

I will find you, Jennifer, I swear. Not only because you don't deserve any of this, but because I think I love you--. No. I know I love you.

Jennifer's POV
I woke up in a dark room with my arms and legs roped on a chair they sat me on. After I awoke, the lights came on as a lean mixed man with a buzz cut walked in.

He wore a red coat over his exposed tattoo-decorated abdomen, with tight black chinos, and tapered pants. He topped it with red combat boots.

I quickly shut my eyes trying to gain control over the fear caused by the intimidating man.

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