Kindergarden :)

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(This won the vote by one because only one person voted. All the GHOST characters are in kindergarten and are probably around six. There are some requirements though, 1: the video the character originates from has to focus on at least one character, and the video has to have lyrics. But if somebody really wants a character in the story I'll include them. Enjoy.)

???: "Welcome class, I'm Ms.Allison and I'm going to be your daycare teacher. I'm very excited to meet all of you. It seems we're missing one of you though."

Ms.Peirre: "I'm so sorry Jenna, Christopher was misbehaving again."

Ms.Allison: "It's perfectly fine, just try to get him here on time."

Ms.Peirre: "Of course! *whispers to Chris* "now you behave yourself or you're getting the bat."

Chris: "Yes Mother."

Ms.Allison: "Christopher take a seat. Now I will pass out a worksheet you have to complete. Just fill out the questions it asks."

Instead of filling out the worksheet Flower stuffs it in her mouth and eats it. Chris tears it up and tosses it in the trash.

Mint: "Ms.Allison, Caroline keeps staring at me."

Ms.A: "Oh, why's that?"

Mint: "I dunno, she's just staring, she's not even blinking! Can I please move?"

Caroline: "NO! You can never leave!"

Ms.A: "Awww, she likes you! Just stay there for now."

Chris: "What are you doing?"

Flower: "Eating the table, what does it look like."

Chris: "But why?"

Flower: "I'm hungry! And I can't wait for lunch!"

Chris: "Do you have lunch?"

Flower: "I ate it already..."

Norman: "That reminds me-"

Chris: "Stay out of it, Norman!"

Norman: "But I-"

Chris: "No one cares about what you have to say!"

Say: "Yes?"

Chris: "Not you!"

Norman: "It's pretty intres-'

Chris: "Listen here you religious nut, literally nobody cares about you! You are nothing more than a worthless freak!"

Flower: ".....that was a little harsh, dont'cha think...?"

Chris: "That was tame."

Flower: "Where did you even learn that...?"

Chris: "I've picked up a few things from my mother."

Maika: "psst, I heard they have a vintage television!"

Kennith: "Really!?"

Maika: "Yeah!"

Kennith: "I've always wanted to learn about TV broadcasting."

Maika: "Wow, what a specific interest!"


Ms.A: "Henry, inside voice, please. What's the matter."

Henry: "Nancy is trying to stab me with the toy knife, and Frances is trying to strangle me with the toy telephone."

Ms.A: "Oh, it's just a bit of roughhousing. You'll be fine!"

Nancy: "Yes, Henry. Just playing."

Frances: "Of course darling."

GHOST kindergarden AUWhere stories live. Discover now