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(It's been a while since I've come back here. But now that chapter two is done I can go back to writing more stuff. And we got a Lil song in this one and no I didn't make it. It's a cover of 'Funny feeling' by Crankgameplays. The original song is by Bo Burnham. Without further ado enjoy.)

Ms.A: "Okay class. Today we're not gonna do anything because y'all keep docking my pay. So we'll just do a super long naptime today."

Ms.A turned off the lights and switched on her fairy lights. The fairy lights glowed a light gold and they were shaped like stars. The monochrome gang of Flower, Chris, and Maika stole the couch. Amygdala curled up in the closet with a fluffy pillow and blanket. There weren't enough mats for the rest so a couple had to share. Norman shared with Charon, Alene with Tooth Hurty, and Mint with Caroline. Nancy with Henry and Frances.

Ms.A: "Okay, I have to admit naptime is when they're the cutest. Mainly because they're peaceful.

Even the ones who hated each other would snuggle up to each other at naptime. Ms.A walked to the front of the class and grabbed her ukulele.

Ms.A: *sighs* 

"🎶You're in the life you dreamed about, you made your parents proud. Now go suppress your anxiousness and say hi to the crowd. Don't let them notice that you faked another smile. Give them any hope you had and starve just for a while. There it is again, that funny feeling...that funny feeling. There it is again, that funny feeling...that funny feeling.

Murder hornets, deadly virus, bush fires, and the wall. Scroll right past the post about the shooting at the mall. Updates with your parents, group morale is getting low. No more self-improvement cause you're not allowed to grow. 

One thing that gave you hope you have to say goodbye. One year of creativity, erased as the timer dies. Endless doubt, intrusive thoughts you've peaked at 24. Can you reach fulfillment when you're always wanting more? There it is again, that funny feeling...that funny feeling. There it is again that funny feeling...that funny feeling. 

Never-ending Twitter feed, never-ending likes. Realize you've lost passion as the numbers start to rise. Never clean the dishes cause you only eat alone. Zoom call with your therapist while scrolling through your phone.

Total disassociation, fully out your mind. Days go by in seconds cause you've lost all sense of time. Hold back your tears each time your parents try to call. Not suicidal but still not alive at all. There it is again, that funny feeling...that funny feeling. There it is again, that funny feeling...that funny feeling.🎶"

*Ukulele solo*

Ms.A: "Sweet dreams kids."

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