The day i met you

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The day i met my future husband was on a rainy Monday in the Throne room of the Kira Estate. The current King of the Clover Kingdom, Augustus Kira Clover XIII, was a self-centred man and a coward. He ordered all Royal houses and All magic Knights captains together to apparently share something of very big importance with us all.

The people in The Vermillion House and Silva House already knew about the announcement beforehand, so this meeting really was just there to inform the captains so that they were informed about the situation between the two Royal Houses.

The King was siting in his throne and smiling an arrogant smile down at his subjects. In front of his throne the people he wanted to come to hear him out were scattered across the room with only two groups of families standing at the left and the right side of his throne. The Vermillion family, standing on the left side of the throne, was making their youngest child ready for the announcement, in which the 9-year-old girl played a very big role in.

"Little lady, are you ready?" Victoria's Father asked her as he saw how she started to get nervous "Don't be scared sweetie, nothing bad is going to happen...." he tried to assure her. Victoria nodded at her father, but it didn't really calm her down. It was like her fathers words just made her even more nervous because now she knew that you just needed to look at her face to know that she was almost dying inside because of how nervous she was.

She herself didn't know why she was so nervous to the point of her throwing up, which she did in the morning. Her mother thinks that it is because Victoria is going to meet her new fiancé. She, the House Vermillion and the House Silva, knew that she is going to marry Nozel Silva when there both of age, which their parents decide is going to be when there 18 years old. Before that, there just going to be promised to each other.

When Victoria stood with her family that still tried to calm her down, she started to look around the large room, trying to find her fiancé and get a look at him.

They never really met each other, even if they actually lived very close to each other. Victoria just always saw him from afar, they would sometimes exchange looks, but they were never close to each other, so she was very excited to meet him.

Sadly, she didn't get a good view of him because of his 5-year-old sister and his mother Acier Silva, a beautiful woman and trainer of her older sister mereoleona, standing in her way. Lady Acier announced her pregnancy a week ago. She then told her mother and her uncle's wife in private that it is going to be a boy. She told them that she and her husband already decided on a name. He was going to be called solid.

Victoria found no way to look past the beautiful pregnant women, so she decided that she needed to focus on something else to not go crazy.

After a time she gets herself to look to her right side and look at her sister who was desperately trying to get her little brother fuegoleon to come with her and get some food of one of the tables. Victoria must say she could understand why mereoleona wanted to go get some food from the tables. It looked great and very delicious.

But she really couldn't force herself to eat something right now. Her brother was completely ignoring his sister and was only focusing on Nozel who he decided to be his rival. 

That had two reasons.

First of all, he thought that they had around the same strength level and that Nozel was the only one near his age who could keep op with him. And the second reason was that Nozel was to marry his precious little baby sister. He just couldn't understand how his sister could be so excited to marry him. 'He was just an arrogant little brat, nothing else! 'But of course he would never say that out loud.

After a while of watching his subjects, the King suddenly stand's up from his throne and raises his hand to make the people stop talking, clearly wanting their attention.

"Hallo my beloved friends! I hope all of you are well and healthy?" The king asks even if every one in the room knew that he was actually not caring at all about it. "Today i have called upon you so that i can announce something very exciting for you!"

After the king said those words, Victoria got even more nervous and out of the corner of her eye she could she Nozel's feet starting to rock back and forth a little. She still couldn't really see him but through his mothers legs she could see a part of his legs and it made her feel a little better that he was also starting to get a little nervous.

"I want to announce to you that the Houses Vermillion and House Silva will once again be connected through the bond of marring." Victoria heard gasps from a some of the captains and there closest followers that were whit them.

"Victoria Vermillion and Nozel Silva please step forward" the king asked the two children. For Victoria, it seemed like time had stopped for a few seconds. She slowly started to walk up to the throne. When she almost was in front of the throne, she finally saw her fiancé.

Nozel Silva.

She started to stare at him. He was wearing a blue under shirt and over that shirt he was wearing an elegant whit tunic. Most of his hair was brushed back, but the front part was brushed forward so that it covered parts of his forehead, like bangs but longer.

She was surprised when he started to stare back at her.

'What a strange thing, to see her up close' Nozel thought to himself. She was wearing a dark blue dress that got to her knees. Around her waist she wore a golden band and on the part of the dress, that was under her golden band, was a beautiful vermilion coloured pattern. The pattern was made out of stitched roses that were connected with vines and on the vines you can see a few little leaves. She truly looked beautiful in that dress.

Nozel knew that she was a very pretty girl, and he heard of the servants and her mother that she was exactly the opposite of her sister mereoleona. 

While her sister was an aggressive and short-tempered girl, Victoria was supposed to be a very calm and silent girl who would talk calmly and always seems to be completely relaxed.

Nozel knew that it is possible for her to be nervous. He saw it the howl time while they were getting prepared by their parents. She seemed to not be able to stand still.

But from watching her from afar when she was having a tee party with her friends or her mother and other female family members, he knew that she was for a fact very calm and always trying to make every one happy. Only from hearing stories about her and seeing her from afar, he already knew that he was looking forward to getting married to her and not some random noble women or even her sister mereoleona.

He shivered at the thought of the aggressive girl. Thank god, he didn't need to marry her.

Victoria and Nozel both arrived at the socle of the throne now looking up at the strangely smiling king.

"Please celebrity with me for the newly engaged couple! Victoria Vermillion and Nozel Silva!" The king said overly excited about the news. He arranged the marriage in the first plays to make sure that not to many lowly born, or even commoners disturbed the Royal bloodline.

He wanted to at lest secure one royal couple.

Not only that, but he knew that Nozel and Victoria both grew up with strict rules that made sure that both of them would never even come to the idea of cheating on each other. So he and every other human in the room knew that those two are going to have a much happier marriage than a lot of other couples.

"I, as the king of the clover kingdom, wish you two many children with royal pure blood and a beautiful marriage in the near future!" With this, the King revealed his true intentions to every one in the room very clearly and loudly.

Nozel sighed and looked at Victoria. She herself turned her head to the side so that she could see his reaction to the king. Their eyes met again and Victoria gave him a small friendly and reassuring smile. He was surprised by the sudden action, but decided to lift the corners of his mouth a little and give her a very small smile as well.


1499 words

Lg Alexa

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