The day we spent togheter

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The day we spent together was a beautiful sunny day. Victoria was siting in a very large living room in the Vermillion estate. The room was decorated in beautiful red shades. In the middle of the room were two big white sofas, with red blankets laid over them. On the right side of the room were 4 windows with dark blood-red curtains.

 The head of the house Vermillion was standing in front of one of the windows. He was looking outside, into the green garden that connected the 3 estates, with a worried look on he's face.

Other than the nervous taping of he's foot and the whisper that came from Victoria's uncle and his heavily pregnant wife, there was no sound made in the room.

The two Vermilion children were siting on one of the white sofas. Fuegoleon was calmly reading one of his books about fire magic, while he tried his best to ignore Kirsch. Victoria was siting beside him on the sofa and trying to make the baby in her lap, named Kirsch, to stop trying to play with Fuegoleon's vermilion hair. 

The parents of Kirsch, one of them being the uncle of Victoria, were on the other sofa and were in a heating conversation, not realising what their son was doing.

Victoria was nervous and excited about the things that were happening a few rooms further from where they were right now. Her mother was in labour and bringing their new baby brother to the world. Everyone was a little nervous about that because their beloved mother had sadly lost her other baby that she was pregnant with when Victoria was only 3 years old. Her mother always had the feeling that it was her fault that her baby had gone to the after world, seconds before it could take its first breath. It died while she was in labour and sadly arrived dead to the world. Victoria never saw the baby. Actually, no one saw the baby, accept of her mother. Her beloved mother explained that she just couldn't take it upon her self to show them the death baby.

hen she told the family that she was pregnant again, many thought that she was going to loss it again. But she swore to them all, that it's going to be her last child, and she is going to do every thing she needs to, to make it survive.

The news of her being in labour came rather surprisingly this morning because of it being a little early for the birth. It's not that early to be concerned about it but still, it made the Vermillion family a little nervous.

Victoria's uncle and his wife were talking with each other about a Commoner that they met when they were on their way to the Silver Eagle base, when suddenly someone nocked on the door of the room. Everyone Immediately got silent, and their father slowly turned away from the window and faced them and the door.

'Is it one of the nurses? Was it the midwife that came to them to tell them that the baby didn't survive or even worst that mother dint survive?' Victoria's mind was starting to fill with these frightful thoughts but sadly, the possibility that something horrible happened wasn't that small. Victoria started to sweat heavily and her hands started to shake. Her heart was beating so fast that she thought kirsch, the child still being in her lap, could have heard it.

Her father, brother and uncle were all frozen. The mother of kirsch had put her hand in front of her mouth, thinking about what could have happened. Fuegoleon squished the book in side his hand and his breath became heavier. Victoria lifted Kirsch from her lap, stood up and walked to his mother, so she could give him to her. She then started to stand in the middle of all of them and said in a loud, shaking voice, "Come inside." She was scared, but still tried to sound confident.

The door opened slowly and revealed, to the surprise of all of them, Nozel Silva.

"Hallo, I'm here to see my fiancé." The twelve-year-old said in a clear, calm voice while he stood in the doorway. Victoria was very revealed that it was not the midwife, but her emotions soon turned to confused. He was here for her? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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