Chapter 21

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The next morning I wake up feeling more rested than I had in a while. My stomach grumbles loudly, reminding me that my dinner hadn't stayed long last night and it's very empty. I get dressed and go straight to the kitchen deciding to skip my usual yoga session. I'm surprised to see Alessia there sipping on a cup of coffee and eating a leftover cornetto at the table.

Her amber eyes light up when I enter the room. "Good morning." She chirps happily.

"Good morning." I say back as I start the preparations of my protein shake.

"I heard you went to Luís' with Giovanni."

I nod as I toss the fruit in the blender. "I did. They were... nice."

She snorts. "That's probably the first time anyone's ever called them that. I'm pretty sure Valentina was cut from ice."

So maybe it wasn't just me, she must be cold to everyone. Except Giovanni that is. Once all of my ingredients are in the blender I start it, filling the room with the loud whirring of the blades. She didn't shoot him that fake grin or lace her words to him with ice like she did me. I shut the blender off and pour the concoction into a cup, grab myself a cornetto and take a seat across from Alessia.

"So that's her normal attitude? I just assumed she didn't like me since I'm engaged to Giovanni and they obviously have a... thing." I state before taking a sip of my smoothie.

Alessia let's out a loud laugh as she tears a fluffy piece off the cornetto. "Valentina doesn't do things. I've never even seen her look at anyone with anything but disdain in her eyes and most everyone is scared of her anyway. Giovanni doesn't normally get around like that either, I think Raf was the most promiscuous one out of all of us. I doubt G's a virgin, he's had a few girlfriends but nothing casual as far as I know and never anything with Valentina."

Her words are surprising but also not. Surprising because most men I've encountered that are good looking usually take advantage of the attention they get. Not surprising because they obviously don't care for accidental pregnancies which is definitely a possibility if you're having one night stands with the opposite sex. It also makes me question what he and Valentina did for most of the night if they weren't having sex. He was adamant the smear of red wasn't lipstick but... my eyes widen as the realization hits me. Blood. The red smear must have been blood. My stomach churns and suddenly I'm not so hungry anymore. Oh my god, did he kill someone while we were there and then casually eat dinner after they were done as if nothing ever happened!

"Did you meet Jay?" Alessia asks, completely unaware of my internal freak out.

Maybe he just hurt the person. Yeah, way to be naïve, Nolani, I scold myself. Shit, I'm losing it. It's not like I wasn't aware of who he is but having such solid proof right in front of my face like that is chilling.

I try to focus on her question. Did I meet Jay?

I nod. "Yes, Jay was really friendly."

"He's the best. We go shopping sometimes, you'll have to come along the next time we go."

"I would love that." I agree.

Jay reminded me a lot of Jade, I think I could easily be friends with him. He seemed like a genuine person.

"He's actually horrible with fashion but you never stop laughing. He and Luís make such a hot couple, if my family wouldn't find out and lock me away until I was married off, I'd dip my toe into that pool." She admits dreamily.

Wait. What?

My eyebrows raise. "Do they do that, bring other people into their relationship?"

I know it's a thing I just hadn't ever personally known someone that did it.

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