Chapter 2

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Angelo blends into the background at a table by himself while I order the food. I glance around Chandler's Bistro, my heart thudding heavily against my ribcage. Do I look pregnant, can they tell just by glancing in my eyes? Sweat beads at the base of my spine as I feel like everyone's eyes are on me. They know don't they? Two girls at a table nearby are staring at me with wide eyes, one of them lifts their phone and snaps a picture. I turn around quickly, my own eyes wide as I start panicking. Oh god they know, they definitely know.

"Ms. Michaels?" The older lady who's almost always behind the counter at Chandler's says.

I blink a few times before meeting her eyes and taking the change she had been trying to hand me. "I'm sorry." I mutter.

They don't know, they're taking pictures of me because of who I am not because I'm pregnant. I relax a little at the logical thought. I think my brain may be trying to kill me before I can even make a decision about where I go from here. I'm used to people staring and taking pictures when I go out in public it's just part of being a model. I'm taking overthinking to a whole new level.

"That's quite alright dear. Still not over him, huh?" She tsks.

My brow furrows. "Over who?"

The only thing I can't seem to get over is the positive pregnancy tests I have sitting in my bathroom trash can at home and the situation I'm currently in.

She gives me a knowing look before moving onto the next customer while I stand there like a clueless idiot. I shake my head and walk over to Angelo. He silently rises from the chair and opens the door for me, exiting closely behind me as I walk toward the gray SUV he parallel parked down the street. Just before we make it there a group of smiling teenage girls approach me with wide eyes.

"C-can we get a picture with you?" One asks.

I muster up the most genuine smile I can manage. "Of course." I glance over at Angelo. "Will you take the picture for us?"

He gives me a sharp nod and takes the phone from the girl. The girls gather on each side of me and we all smile as Angelo snaps the picture.

"Thank you so much!" The girl gushes as Angelo hands her back her phone.

I give them a wave before they walk off chirping happily over their phones. Angelo unlocks the SUV, opens the door and helps me inside. I place the Chandler's bag on my lap and he shuts the door silently.

Jade only lives a block from Chandlers and we could easily walk but Angelo gets uncomfortable when I'm out in the open like that for longer than a few minutes. I know he only has my safety in mind so I don't object. If I wouldn't have given him the day off when Jade and I went to that bar maybe I wouldn't have went home with a stranger and ended up pregnant.

My stomach churns as Angelo hits a bump in the road, the bag in my lap rustling and the smell of food wafting up my nostrils. Eating is the last thing I want to do but I'll make myself eat, especially after throwing up on the way to Chandler's, I know the nutrients are important even if I do end up having an abortion.

"You don't look so good, Ms. Michaels." Angelo says.

"I don't feel so good either." I grumble.

"Do you need me to pull over?"

I shake my head and relax back into the leather seat. "No, I'll be fine."

Angelo parks in the parking garage beside Jade's building and we take the elevator up to the fourth floor where her apartment is. I sigh though my nose and give her door a knock but it goes unanswered. I pull my keys from my purse and use the spare she gave me. Most people will give you a spare key if they often lock themselves out or if they need you to take care of their pet or water their plants but not Jade. The spare key is for the times where she's so consumed by her latest story she doesn't have to open the door for me. She's always busy following a lead or writing. My job takes me hundreds of miles away all the time, she's never let it come between us and I wouldn't with her job either so I don't mind having to let myself into her apartment when I want to visit.

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