the first night

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After making our way through a number of corridors, Hermione led me through a door to the most extravagant toilets I had ever seen. I hurried over to the sinks, taking a second to survey my appearance in the mirror before purposefully turning the tap and splashing the icy water on my face. 

Hermione quietly cleared her throat causing me to bolt up from the sink again. I looked at her in the mirror to be met by a very inquisitive look.

"I'm sorry," I said turning to face her. "I think I just got a little overwhelmed."

She approached me and began to rub my arm in a comforting manner.

"The twins do have that effect," she remarked with a giggle.

"Oh Merlin, was it that obvious," I asked bringing a hand to my face in embarrassment.

Hermione nodded as she turned me back to face the mirror.

"If it makes you feel any better I'm pretty sure they came over because of you. And to be fair you can't blame them, just look at you," she said enthusiastically.

I gave her a feable grin as I thanked her. 

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

We had rejoined the group, that the twins had decided to part with in our absence, to finish the feast before they led me to our common room.

I sat on a plush red sofa between Neville, who was calming a no longer missing Trevor, and Hermione, who was immersed in a book, gazing around at the numerouss artworks hung around the room. Ginny was sat by the fire poking fun at Ron, as Harry sat next to him laughing along. 

I have to admit in my efforts to take in the room in front me I was almost hoping to land eyes on the twins once again but they were nowhere to be seen, which on some level was a bit of a relief.

"Okay," said Harry abruptly, earning all our attention.

"I want to know more about you," he said pointing his wand and making his way over to me.

"Is that so," I questioned, maintaining eye contact as he crouched in front me.

There was a slight pause as we both held each other's gaze in silence before Ginny piped up.

"How about we start with your name, Trouble?"

Harry made a gesture of agreement as Neville also expressed his curiosity on the matter.

"Tell you what," I said leaning forward so my face was inches from Harry's.

"I'll tell you if you can guess it"

Harry smirked, yet again not breaking eye contact.

"I'm up for that," exclaimed Ron cheerily sitting next to Neville on the arm of the sofa.

I leaned back again with a nod inviting them to guess.

"Beth," said Neville earning a shake of my head.

"Katie," suggested Ginny, also incorrect.

"Oh oh erm...Daisy," said Ron rather surely.

"Way off, sorry," I responded making him slump a little.

"Don't tell me you're called Harry too," Harry joked sitting himself properly on the floor.

I let out a gasp making him widen his eyes.

"I'm kidding of course not," I laughed causing him to smile as he rolled his eyes.

They all had a few more guesses before giving up one by one.

"Oi what about you Hermione? Usually you'd be the first on in there, you've not even said a word," said Ron pointedly.

"I was just seeing if any of you would get it," she replied not yet looking up from her book.

"Well that sort of suggests you know my name," I said slightly intrigued.

She closed her book and set it aside before turning to me.

"Amelia Green," she said smugly.

My eyebrows raised in pure shock as the others began a chorus of disbelief that she could possibly know if that was my name.

"She's right," I laughed still looking at Hermione who had returned to her book with a smirk.

"Merlin, Hermione you really do know everything," Ron said jokingly, earning a laugh from Ginny.

"Amelia Green," he repeated almost pondering it.

"I like it," said Neville sweetly.

I gave him a smile before pushing myself off the sofa.

"Well I think you all know enough about me for one day," I began.

"And I've certainly had enough excitement today so I'm heading to bed now."

"I'll come with you, we're sharing a dorm I think" said Hermione gathering her things and getting to her feet.

We all said our goodnights and Hermione led me to our dorm, where the two other girls we shared with were already asleep. Hermione quietly explained who they were before wishing me goodnight herself as I crawled into bed for my first night at Hogwarts.

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