Chapter 5

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I got out of my room were the boy was sitting in the living room couch inpatient.

Taylor- "lets go." I grumble and follow him out at we walked out into the hallways.

The hallways was dimly lighted and only a few other students was saw by me was there. As soon as me and the boy made it out side, he turned to me.

His eyes widened in surprise , as it was probably the first time he saw me out from the dark.

Boy- "wow, he wasn't kidding around your bi- colored eyes." He muttered under his breath. "My name is Jayden. The training it in a particular arena and it basically changes the surrounding inside it. So don't freak out went you see it." He told me seriously and started to lead me elsewhere.

I swear the second we get there I'm gonna knock him out.


-->Taylor's POV<--

Just as I thought things about training could get any worse then walking up early, the whole school was sitting in the seats around the area watching. The whole thing seemed kind of ironic. But, whatever.

I walked into the arena with Jayden at my side. Inside was a girl with the greenest eyes I've ever seen. Her hair was a chocolate brown and she had a spread of freckles on her cheeks and over her nose. She had a button nose and small pale pink lips. She was 5'5 though.

Surprisingly, Damien was in there too. His fiery flamed eyes piercing. A smirk was spread across his face and tugged at his lips.

In the four corners of the arena, there was 1 huge box in each one by the way, was the four elements. In one was water, the other was dirt, the other was fire burning, and the last one was empty. The elements was all at the bottom of the human sized box. I supposed that the empty box was for air, or at least Jayden.

Jayden nodded his head to the water filled box and he went towards the empty one. I stood inside of my box just like how everyone else did in the arena. The water instantly energizing me and Damien slightly scaring me because he was on fire.

A voice was suddenly heard on the intercom, I didn't know where it was.

Raven- "Okay, this is training. First training of Taylor. So, these are the rules:

You fight till you drop. Or the others drop.

No maiming and no killing.

No fatal injuries please.

Don't fight dirty.

That last rule was for Jayden and Taylor you guys. -Taylor don't give me that look, I saw how you fought in the hall and with me." He said through the intercom and added because of the look on my face.

I rolled my eyes and a scowl carved on my face. Some bell suddenly was rung and the area we were in started changing. The once a ancient looking arena was turned into a balmy meadow with trees surrounding the big area and a lake in the corner. The winds was a bit strong and the heat was warm.

The advantage was obviously earth and water.

The boys and girl started to fight each other. The girl grew huge vines out of the ground and wrapped one around Damien's waist. The other wrapped around Jayden's ankle. Damien had quickly burned the plant though and his body burst on fire. Jayden had made a mini tornado and the girl got stuck and let go of them both.

Damien threw a fireball at Jayden and he sidestepped it. I was going to watch more but a green vine suddenly wrapped around my waist and took me in the air. I looked at the lake and willed it to come to me. And it did. I pulled it sharply and it sliced the vine. Unfortunately I started to fall through the air. I was a good 100 feet up there too.

I pulled at the water in the lake and make it wrap around me like a blanket. We would need me turning into a human comet now do we?
I torpedoed down to the ground and I exploded onto the ground. My body creating a crater.

Taylor- "Ow" I groaned. "That was a bitch of a fall, damm"

I stood up in my mini crater. A fire ball and an air ball combined flying in my direction. It was coming to fast for me to get water so I put my arms over my head in protection. But as I did so, I felt something shift in me.

My bi colored eyes slightly twitched and I felt a shift in my red and sliver eye.

I waited for the impact but was rewarded with nothing. I looked up and gasped. My arms falling limply to my sides.

There was the ball of the two elements. But that's not what caught my eye. It was the fact it was frozen in the air, not with real water but just frozen in the air. I felt the fighting stop around me and heard a few startled gasps and stutters. I faced a startled earth elemental girl and she took a step back and her eyes widen in shock.

I didn't know why she did but it hit me when I saw my eyes and face's reflection in her eyes. My once red and silver colored eye turned into a full silver eyed iris, slowly growing back in the red.

(A/N: I'm sorry for the short updates and slow updates. I'm currently writing two other books so it sometimes gets hard and I get writers block. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chappie and remembered to..............




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