Chapter 15

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*tw: mention of abuse, anxiety, blood, intrusive thoughts, swearing*

tubbo pov:
emotions were high. although, emotion is a very broad term. the heightened emotions we were feeling were anxiety and pure fear of what we could be walking into.

the almost 12 hour flight felt like 12 years. my impatience nearly got the best of me but i stayed calm. if not for me, for tommy, phil, techno and especially for ranboo.

we were due to arrive at 6:54pm but we arrived a little after 7. not bad but we could've been earlier.

i noticed techno seemed to have completely masked his emotions. sure, the man usually kept to himself and used a monotonous voice, but i've never seen him like this. he looked like he was almost sleepwalking; just following what he was meant to do and not engaging in anything else. his mind was purely focused on ranboo and i think that's why he wasn't allowing his emotions to show.

the rental car that we picked up at the airport in california took almost an hour for us to get, causing all of us, especially tommy, to get fidgety and very anxious.

from the airport, the drive took almost 30 minutes.

'if only we were earlier' is what we all thought.

anything after the drive to his house is nothing but a daze to me. i don't want to think about it.

techno pov:
my brave, emotionless, focused act immediately dropped as we arrived to ranboo's house.

the act was slowly fading anyway, as we pulled up to his house. somehow appearing eerily quiet. the act faded more quickly when the door was not answered and phil and i had to break our way in. the act had completely dropped by the time we had found an almost lifeless teenager's body laying on the kitchen floor, blood pouring from his head and multiple wounds being visible.

it was something out of a horror movie.

this should not be real life.

i was shell shocked. too scarred to move and too afraid that something might happen if i looked away for even a split second. i had to keep my eyes on the kid at all times. just in case.

phil, being the responsible adult, called 911 and they turned up what seemed like days later. apparently they arrived almost instantly according to phil.

then i remembered tommy.

his voices must be going fucking mad.

i whipped my head around the room, scanning for sight of the tall blonde teen anywhere. when i couldn't see him in the kitchen, i darted around the house, finally finding him in ranboo's room. where he streamed.

tommy was crying.

fuck. how do i deal with a crying child?

tommy pov:
it's your fault

did you see that?

you caused that

you killed him

he's dead because of you

it's your fault

it's your fault

it' 's my fault.'

i started repeating what they said out loud. i'm not sure whether that was on purpose or not. i didn't notice when techno entered the room. ranboo's room. but i was soon engulfed into a tight hug. techno started whispering things like 'it's not your fault.' and 'don't listen to them, tommy, focus on MY voice' while we were still hugging. it's like if he let go of me i'd end up like ranboo. there's only so many teenagers over 6 feet for him to care about, i suppose.

tubbo. where is tubbo?

'tubbo?' i said weakly, pulling myself out of techno's grasp.

'tubbo!' i ran down the stairs and back into the kitchen.

'..tubbo' i found him. staring at the pool of blood from where ranboo was laying. he was at the hospital now. phil went in the ambulance with him.

tubbo looked up at me, tears in his eyes as he tried to stop them from falling. of course, like the rest of us, he failed. i ran to him and brought him into a hug, not dissimilar to the hug techno brought me into. he cried into my shirt. i didn't mind.

tubbo pov:
suddenly, as i was crying into tommy's shoulder, i remembered; where the fuck was ranboo's mother?


'yes tubso?'

'where's his mum?'

'oh shit. TECHNO!' he called very loudly for the pink-haired man who was standing only behind us.

'jesus, tommy. i heard. i'm right here.'

'where is his mum? she did this and i will prove it.'

'i'm going to kill her.' techno said, a new glint in his eye that i hadn't seen before and i hoped to never see again.

ranboo's mum should know better to not show her face to us ever.

phil pov:
no one else was being level headed. i mean, i completely understand. but if it wasn't for me, the kid would've been worse or even dead. i'm sitting in the hospital waiting room while the doctors do their jobs. i promise the other three i would call them when they can come and see him, unlikely that they heard that though.

my heart is shattered. this poor kid is here fighting for his goddamn life because some woman decided she didn't like the way her son was? didn't like the fact he was transgender?

i've never understood how people will have children but will not accept them for who they are and who they want to be. unless it's doing them harm or danger, what's the fucking problem?

my mind was racing with bad thoughts, worst case scenarios and worry over the other three still at ranboo's house.

i was snapped out of my trance with the words,

'you can come and see him now.'

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