Chapter 16

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I woke up in my bedroom again, I felt a hot breath on my neck. I saw the boy in white sleeping, what was his name? Kun? He looked so peaceful as he slept, his fingers were intertwined with mine, his hand kept mine warm.

Did I really love this boy? Did he really love me? I think he does, why else would he be with me like this. I placed my free hand in his hair playing with it, it felt like I knew this feeling. He moved his head more into my hand making me smile. 

“I’m sorry I can’t remember you” I frown looking at him, 

“It’s my fault” he tells me.

“It can’t be your fault” I tell him.

“I should have protected you” I see a tear fall from his closed eyes. He opens them looking at me with guilt I know he was carrying. 

“Help me remember so I can prove to you it’s not your fault” I tell him. I watched the boy sit up, but he began to cry. His cries pained me.

“I’m trying” he cries hard, I do what he did for me and hold him in my arms. 

“You could have died, why am I such an idiot!?” He cries more into me. 

“It’s not your fault” I tell him trying to calm him. That’s when he connected our lips, taking me aback. I kissed back and was hit with different waves of emotions. Things came back to me causing me to hold my head in pain. I could see Kun talking, but his voice was drowned. 

I remember Kun, him turning into a human, the kiss, drowning, I remember him. 

“Kunnie” I hug him tightly,

“Don’t leave me again you jerk”  he cries in my arms. All I could remember was Kun thought. I only remember his love, smile and our memories.

“I promise” I kissed his cheek as tears ran down mine. 

“Stop crying, you’re going to make me cry more” he laughs wiping my tears with his thumb. 

“If you cry more, I’m going to cry more you big baby” I say to him.

“Damn you get your memory back for 1 minute and you're insulting me” Kun flicks my head.

“You called me a jerk dude” I state back.

“Don’t call me dude, I accept handsome, my one and only, soulmate, incredibly amazing and so on…..” 

“I’m glad you're ok, but I’m not kidding if you ever do that again I’m pulling the plug” he says.

“I would expect nothing less,” I smiled.

I lay in bed so tired, 

“Why do I get so tired?” I ask Kun.

“You were sleeping for 2 weeks, you need to exercise babe” he says,

“Don’t call me babe” I state.

“Too bad, come on babe” He picked me up bridal style, we went to what appeared to be a workout room. 

“HA hell no” I say not having it.

“Start running” he puts me on the treadmill.

“Are you calling me fat?” I ask while running on the treadmill. 

“Unfit, not fat” he corrects me.

I groaned, earning a laugh from him. We would be working on that treadmill and my memory for about a week before we went to my grandparents house. He claimed it was the source of my trauma. That once we enter memories should come back to the incident.

We slowly walked in, my hand tightly gripping his as the anxiety filled me. 

“I don’t want to” I pull back,

“I’m right here” he assures me. We walked in and it looked like a house. The walls were a bright blue, with gold accents. He led me to the basement where there was like a sewers filled with water, it looked like a swimming pool.

“Let me push you in” he frowns and I turn to face him.

“No” I say, scared of drowning.

“I will always save you, Sorry” he pushes me in. I start to sink, I fight it trying to rush my way to the top.

I tried kicking what had a hold on me, but I couldn't see anything with how bloody the water was. I kick as hard as I can and the thing lets me go. I fought to the top as best as I could. 

"Kun!" I scream for him once my head reaches the top. I caught a glance of him standing next to my mama. She had control of him again. 

"Kun!" I scream fighting to stay up. He closed his eyes and turned away. 

"You don't have long!" Mama smiles. 

"Kunnie! Help me!" I cry out before falling, unable to fight any longer.

My memories flooded back and they were killing me. I was lifted up to kun as he held me tight to him.

 “I remember, all of it” I say remembering children's blood drenched on my clothes, The pieces of bodies grinding up into meat. Kun pulls me to the platform and I get sick throwing up all over it. He held my hair up as I did, I broke down crying falling to my knees. 

“Where is she?” I question.

“I don’t know your grandparents disappeared,”  He answered me as his head hung low. 

“I want to leave here, I can’t be in here” I ran out as quickly as I could, Kun not far behind me. 

“I have to tell you something” he says looking desperate to say it.

“I’m leaving, to heaven, that’s where I belong. I’m a 25 year old man, I’ve outlived my time” he explains and my brain completely shut down.

“Say something, hit me, anything!” he shouts at my silence.

“You’re just gonna leave me?” I ask him calmly.

“I need to go where I belong, like the other kids. I will always be here for you Ivy” he frowns.

“You said you loved me, did you mean it?” I ask him.

“Of course I did” he nods,

“Then why would you leave me Kun?” tears fill my eyes. 

“I need to babe” he frowns.

“I hate you” I repeated crying as I pushed him. He took it which made me angrier, I started swinging at him hitting his chest, again he didn’t stop me. I went to hit him in the face, but he dodged it.

“Enough Ivy” he said looking in my eyes, hurt written all over his face. I swung at him again, but he dodged it. 

“I said enough Ivy! Grow up” he muttered in the last part.

“Grow up? Really? You of all people should not be talking. You are a child, thats all you will ever be, I was stupid enough to be in love with you! I’m just a game to you and you can walk away as you please!” I shout at him and pushes me against the wall, 

“How many times do I have to say it to get through to your stupid mind, I love you! If we were in a perfect world we’d be ok, but I’m a fucking Teddy bear Ivy! Let me go, just like I’m letting you go” he stares into my eyes with anger and pain. 

“And you'd let us go that easily” I shove him again. 

“You want to fight, fine” he says angrily, I haven’t seen him this type of angry before, it looked as if he had no idea who to be angry with. I went to kick him, but he pushed my foot down. I swung to hit his face in which he twisted my arm pushing it behind me.

I hit my head back and got him good, causing him to release his grip on me. He grabbed me, throwing me down to the ground. His legs were on both sides of mine, keeping me from kicking him and he held my arms at the side of me. 

“No more,” he says in a whisper.

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