Chapter 3 - Engaged?!

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It was a sunny morning today and Yashiro was forced to wake up early for the news from her father and to attend her meetings. She stretched her arms as she woke up from her slumber. She didn't feel fresh like she always did since probably she slept for weeks.(Her curse)

"Lady Yashiro, could you hurriedly finish up in there? We have more meetings for you to attend." said Yashiro's butler. Yashiro didn't spoke a word and just went to take a bath as fast as she can. "Why must I attend meetings when I just woke up from my curse?" she thought as she got ready.

After getting ready, she went to her carriage and hurriedly attend her meeting. She had finally arrived after a few minutes. She then saw Aoi walking to the meeting room (or so how it's called).

"Hi Aoi! Are you called to attend this meeting too?" asked Yashiro. "Yes, all of the Royals were called. One of the lords told this meeting was important." As both of them walked and talked, the sound of a trumpet began to be heard.

The sound of the trumpet was to remind the others that the meeting has started. "Hurry Nene! We're gonna be late for it!" said Aoi pulling Yashiro's hand to the room. As they entered the room, they were welcomed by the others.

"Welcome Princess Yashiro and Lady Aoi, please, sit down." said the grand duke. (Reminder that I don't know much about what the royals have been called). Both of them hurriedly sit down.

"Sadly the king can't attend the meeting today so I will deliver the news. We all know that a witch have cursed the dear princess right? Well since the two princes from the Kingdom of Shards have uplifted her curse, we decided for them to have an engagement."

Yashiro was shocked by the announcement. But to be quite honest, she didn't exactly feel shocked. Since she was taught to be a good princess and to be a good ruler, she was forced to attend lots of meetings. Including engagement ones.

She looked over her shoulder to look at the princes reaction. Amane looked calm while Tsukasa was..smirking? She wasn't quite sure since his face was kinda covered. But even so if she find Tsukasa smirking, she might as well think she is hallucinating at the moment.

"Nene! Nene!" called Aoi shaking her shoulder. "Huh? Yes Aoi?" "The meeting has ended. Let's go." said Aoi. "Sure." As they went out of the room, Aoi asked Yashiro a question. "Nene were you distracted by the princes?" "No no! I was thinking that's all!" said Yashiro nervously with a smile.

"Ahh were you distracted by the announcement the grand duke has announced?" Aoi guessed again. "Kinda I guess..Married with two princes and with TWINS?! I don't know if their is a royal that has two husbands that are twins." said Yashiro kinda sadly.

"I mean..some royals have affairs." "Yeah but they didn't legitimately marry them do they?" saying Yashiro more hopeless. "I mean I guess they don't. I never heard any royal members that have two husbands without any affairs." said Aoi.

As their attention was on that topic, Yashiro then remembered something. "Ah sorry Aoi! We can talk later. I got somewhere to be!" said Yashiro as she ran to her carriage. "Bye Nene!" waved Aoi goodbye.

Minutes past, Yashiro hurriedly changed her outfit to a sage green dress with some cute accessories. She then quickly went to the back door to meet Tsukasa. "Wait Lady Yashiro, Where are you heading to?" asked her maid. "I'm heading to the garden to meet the princes. I'll be back later." said Yashiro as she scurried to the garden.

After reaching the garden

"Hm is this the place that prince Tsukasa told me to meet him?" Yashiro walked around the garden to find him. "Lady Yashiro! We're here!" said a voice. "Ah it must be him. But did Tsukasa bring his brother? He did say 'we're' ."

As she guessed, Tsukasa did bring his brother, Amane. "Pleasure for you to meet us here Lady Yashiro" said Tsukasa politely bowing. "Pleasure to meet you as well Prince Tsukasa and Prince Amane." said Yashiro also bowing. (Note: Amane is also bowing)

"I hope my dear brother didn't cause you any trouble to come here Lady Yashiro. You must have been busy with all those meetings." said Amane trying to get Yashiro's attention.

"Ah no no! It's fine! All of my meetings have finished earlier than expected." said Yashiro with a smile. The situation was quite awkward without nothing talk. But they found out a way eventually to stop the awkward silence and to learn things from each other.

All of them had a wonderful conversation until a duke showed up. "Lord Tsukasa, Lord Amane and Lady Yashiro, Prince Kou has came." said one of their knights. "Duke Kou?" said Amane and Tsukasa at the same time. "Pleasure to meet you your highness" Kou said as she bowed to Yashiro and the twins.

"Kou what are you doing here!" said Yashiro bringing Kou to a more private place. "Well I heard you were here so I came. I didn't know you had a meeting with the princes. I'm so sorry for interrupting." apologize Kou. "It's fine. Maybe we can meet at my castle later?" "Sure. I'll leave you guys alone." said Kou sadly as he walks back to his carriage.

"Um I'm very sorry for the interruption by Duke Kou. He just came by to visit me." said Yashiro with a smile hoping it didn't disturb them. "Well Lady Yashiro, let's talk more about stu-" Tsukasa was going to say something before Amane interrupted him.

"Sorry Lady Yashiro, but it's getting late. Why not we meet again next time?" said Amane. "Of course! See you later!" said Yashiro with a smile waving them goodbye.

In Amane and Tsukasa's carriage

"Hey what's with that? We were still gonna talk about stuff." complain Tsukasa. "IT is late. We should go home." Amane answered. "But we still have some time left before home time anyway." "Still late."

Tsukasa pouted. "You only said it's late because I had Lady Yashiro's attention and you're just jealous!" "I was not jealous! It was just late. That's all!" argue Amane back.

Both of them kept arguing until they reached to their castle. They then never spoke about the subject for a while.

Satisfied with this? YES ✔ Have any ideas for chapter 4? NOPE 😭 Could you guys be the one to help with my chapter 4? I need some good ideas for next chapter ♥(✿ฺ´∀'✿ฺ)ノ As this is the end, see you later again!

๛𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸  [A tbhk/Jshk fic]Where stories live. Discover now