5 Years Later

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( At the Endeavour Kingdom )
In the castle, the prince was in his study doing work. That is until he heard a knock on the door.
"What is it?" said the prince.
"Your majesty, the king has asked for you," said a servant.
"Understood. Tell him I'll be there shortly" replied the Prince.
"Understood prince."
Touya made his way to the throne room. It had been 5 years since he had seen the red winged boy and in those years Touya had changed dramatically. He had grown taller, more muscular and lean. His hair had turned white and he had died black. His once lovely skin had patches of severely burnt skin, so bad that it was being held together by staple like piercings. He also had a few more piercings on his face, three piercings on the side of his nose to a few ear piercings. He also dressed more rugged than he did before and his attitude had become more rebellious despite being 18 and will soon inherit the throne. On the way to the throne room he ran into his personal guard.
"Hey Dabi where are you heading, I'll come with," Riri said.
"To my father and yes please do come. I don't want to be alone with him" he said in a friendly tone. She chuckled and agreed.
In the 5 years Ririsu had also changed. She too had become taller and more muscular but not too much. She also became more curvy and far more attractive. She still wears the same armour she wore when they were younger, just stronger and more durable and of course new to fit her perfectly. Ririsu carried herself with pride and elegance.

As they reached the throne room, Touya took in a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever fiasco that was about to happen. They stepped into the room and stopped in front of Enji.
"Greetings father" said Touya with venom laced in his tone.
"Touya I called you here to tell you that before you take the throne you must get married. I have already engaged you to someone, the omagan prince of the kingdom of Free and after you marry you may take the throne then after your coronation you must produce an heir" Enji finished.
"WHAT?!!!!" Touya screamed, outraged by the proclamation, "that's not fair I refuse you can't make me you-"
"Like what?" Touya questioned with venom.
"If the marriage between you and the prince of Free does not work then I will make you marry Miss Akuma here. Marrying any of the two will produce powerful offspring" he said in a calm tone, "you wouldn't want that now would you?"
Touya froze, not sure what to say. He looked at Riri and saw her blank expression and then looked back at the king and said,
"fine." His tone full of hatred.
"The royal family of the kingdom of Free will be here tonight you and the rest of our family will be here to greet them. Then we will introduce you to your betrothed. Understood," the king explained.
"Yes I understand," said Touya.
Touya then turned on his heels and left.

I was furious how could he force me to marry someone, then when I refuse use Riri to threaten me into compliance! That egotistical bastard ugh. I started to calm down and looked at Riri. She had her head down. I felt so bad, she had been through enough with her past and my father knows that, so why did he say that?
"Hey it's ok Dabi it's fine it was an empty threat when he mentioned me. He just wants you to think it's a real threat" she said. I looked at her and sighed in relief.
"Fine but I guess I still got to go through with the marriage right"
"Yep you sure do Dabi" she said.
"You know you're the only one that calls me Dabi. No one else calls me that, even when I ask them to" she chuckles.
"Of course I did, you asked me to and also we are friends right" she quipped in amusement.
"I guess you're right," I chuckled.

Riri and I were in my room talking and chatting. I was sitting on my bed while Riri sat in one of the armchairs near the flickering fireplace. Then, there was a knock at my door.
"Come in," I shouted from my bed. A servant walked in and said,
"Your father has ordered you to come to the throne room. The royal family of Free will be arriving soon" the servant finished. I sighed and replied
"Fine we'll be there soon" the servant bowed and left.
"I guess we should get going," said Riri.
"Yeah I guess."
We got up and began to head to the throne room. I took a deep breath then both me and Riri walked into the room with Riri behind me. As I walked in I saw my whole family, even my mother which was surprising. My siblings stood around both my parents while they were sitting on their thrones. I walk up and sit down at my throne with Riri standing behind me, calm and composed as always. After I sat down my siblings did the same. Fuyumi and Natsuo sitting next to my mother on her left, me sitting next to my fathers right and Shoto to my right.

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