Paris: I WANT DADDY!!!!
Y/N: Paris! He's spending time with Blanket and Prince. Wait your turn.
Paris: Why!?! I want daddy! Why is boys the favorite!?!
Y/N: He loves all of you!
Paris: Not as much as Blanket and Prince.
(With Michael)
Blanket: I WANT MAMA!!!
Michael: But-
Prince: MOMMY.
Blanket: M. A. M. A. (Runs out)
Michael: So...
Prince: Why can't we all do something! Cuz, I don't mean to be a prick but this isn't working.
Michael: I know that Katline Obvious. *jokes*
Prince: Scuse me?
Michael: I said ' thank you Katline Obvious'
Prince: I think the term is Captain obvious, Danny.
Michael" It's not Katline?
Prince: Answer me this: Who would Katline be, Danny?!
Michael: I don't know
Prince: you know everyone within 5,000,000 miles from here, Danny.
Michael: Danny? Why are you calling me that?
Prince: You know Danny from full house... (runs away)
Michael: Prince Michael Joseph Jackson get over here!
(Later with Y/N and Michael)
Y/N: I just feel like I can't click with Paris. I'm a bad mother.
Michael: Your not a bad Mother. Me on the other hand...
Y/N: Well you are a bad mother.
Michael: What do you mean?
Y/N: Your not a girl! Your a very good father.
Michael: *Chuckles* No. I can't even connect with Blanket OR Prince. You know what Prince called me?
Y/N: What?
Michael: He called me a Danny-
Y/N: Tanner?
Michael: How did you know?
Y/N Well..
Michael: *Chuckles*
Y/N: It's true!
(Meanwhile Paris, Prince, and blanket heard)
Paris: I'm sowy momma and Danny.
Michael: it's fine. Why is everyone calling me that!?!
Bigi: im sowy dada.
Michael: It's fine, blanket.
Prince: I am sorry daddy.
Michael: It's fine, Bubba. Let's watch Peter Pan!
All: Yeah!