movie and chill 1987

43 2 0

(Modern AU)


(Pretend MaCualy is the youngest jackson kid and his middle names are Michael Marlon and Culkin. Paris: 23 Prince: 24 Bigi: 19 MaCualy: 8)

Y/N: what are we watching?

Michael: *smirks*

Y/N: Mac!

Michael: Wha!?!-

Mac: The Conjuring 2?

Michael: N!-

Y/N: Prince? Paris? Bigi?

Paris: Sure!

Prince: I'm down.

Bigi: Ok.

Y/N: Ok let's watch!

Michael: Doesn't anyone care with what I think?!?

All: No!

Michael: *pouts*

Y/N: Quit pouting


Michael: I'm leaving. *gets up*

Michael: I'm getting closer to the door. *walks to the door*

Michael: If I'm gonna leave I'm not coming back. *hand is on the nob*

Y/N: Shut up and leave if your leaving already we are trying to watch!

Michael: *leaves*

Y/N: *Sighs* Damn; now I feel bad.


Y/N: Paris. Imma go find your father, make sure your brothers don't rip eachother to shreds.

Paris: Ok. Just don't do the same to dad.

Y/N: Alright.

(10 minutes later)

Y/N: Michael. Michael. Michael. Michael! Michael! Michael stop walking so fast! Michael! Calm.your.tits! *turns him around and poking his chest with the last three words*

Michael: I don't have tits. If I did, i would be playing with them 24/7. But I don't so I play with yours.

Y/N: Are you mad at us?

Michael: No. I can never be mad at you guys. I love y'all too much.

Y/N: We love you too, daddy.

(Meanwhile the kids are walking over to them)

Mac: Why did momma call daddy that so weird?

Prince: Hey Mac? Wanna spend the night at my house?

Mac: yay!

(They walk away leaving Bigi and Paris. Meanwhile with Y/N and Michael)

Michael: Ohh are you ready for tonight. *grabs her butt*

*Bigi and Paris run over*

Bigi: Hi. Imma pretend I didn't hear and see everything. But because our rooms are across from eachother, and I adore my ears, imma sleepover at my girlfriends apartment.

Michael: *gives him the look*

Michael: *gives him the look*

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Bigi: I mean, with Paris.

Y/N: There you go.

Paris: see you tomorrow after you wash your hands! Come, Bigi.

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