Bean Bag Chairs.

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When my mom first told me my room was in the basement, I thought she was crazy. There was no way I was sleeping in a basement. She definitely forgot to mention what that meant. 

Today we were unpacking my stuff, since last night we only bothered with our beds. Trevor was coming over to help me out so we could talk and stuff too. I was nervous about it.

 I walked around observing all the rooms, something I failed to do yesterday because I was so tired. They were all huge and so different from each other. No one was the same even when they were empty. This was so much more different than our tiny apartment. Our living room was probably five times the size of my old room. 

I was anxious to start decorating my room, though it was more like an apartment. I felt like I had a home to myself within my moms house, which I didn't at all mind.


I found the basement door and just stared at it for a minute. I started to open it, but had only slightly cracked the door when I froze and slammed it shut. An image of one of those creepy basements popped in my mind. Abandoned, dusty, cobwebs, and bats. I shrugged off the chill that went down my spine and I decided I really needed to step my up my game. I didn't need to be a baby about going in my own bedroom.

I closed my eyes and pushed the door open. Once I was sure the door was open, I started peeking through my eye lids. I opened my eyes all the way, all I saw was a huge set of steps. I walked down the steps slowly, counting them as I went. There were five steps, then a small "rest" area in between, then there were five more that were turned a different direction from the first five.

I instantly froze in my place when I actually saw the room. There was a huge living area right off the steps. To the right there was a small room - that was going to be where I slept, of course. I noticed more small rooms and doors and went to go explore. Down a hallway from the left of the stairs was a huge bathroom. There was a walk-in closet across from the bathroom.

I had left the hallway and explored the other half of the room. There was another huge room at the other end. It looked like an office space. There was a place where I could put my desk and computer, set up my radio, and even have a dancing area. I immediately laughed at the thought of Autumn coming to visit and us dancing around. This room would be the perfect sleepover spot. I started making all of these mental notes.

There was a door in the room, a closet I assumed. When I opened it and looked in there was a sink, a stove and a refrigerator. So my "sleepover area" used to be a dining room? I was majorly confused about my living space, but it was something I had never had before so I definitely wasn't complaining.

Across from the sleepover dining room there was a glass door with blinds on it that lead outside. I could get some curtains and put here. I have a whole freaking apartment! I had to be one of the luckiest juniors ever. Well, not ever. There were still kids the same age as me who already had mansions to themselves. I looked around and noted the colors I want for the walls.

//flashback over//

"Mom?" I called. The house echoed in the emptiness. "I'm going to get more some of my stuff from the Uhaul."

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute to help you with some of the bigger stuff." she said. I had no idea where she was at, the echos were coming at me from every angle. We seriously needed to get our furniture together, this echo was driving me fucking insane.

My mom helped me bring most of my stuff downstairs, Trevor was mainly just gonna help me organize. 

It was still morning and I was starving, "Maaaaaa. I'm hungry! There's nothing to eat here!"

She laughed and decided to get me a sausage biscuit and a sweet tea from the McDonald's around the corner. 

The doorbell went off. "I got it," I said.

"Nope, I got it. I'm already leaving." she shot back.

I didn't bother fight back, she should meet Trevor anyways. I followed behind her so I could introduce them. After the introductions were done she asked him did he want breakfast too, which shocked me because she rarely offered to buy my friends food. 

I have no idea why she was willing to leave me here with him, but she was. She knows how I feel about him, but I guess she didn't think he felt the same way. Which kind of making me think she was calling me ugly in a way. I laughed to myself at that thought.

He shook his head no, "I already ate, but thanks."

She nodded. "Would you at least like a drink? We kind of have nothing here." 

He looked around and then nodded, "Yes, please. A sweet tea."

She laughed and then left. We went downstairs I showed him my room.

"Looks like we have a lot of work to do," he said, laughing.

We had organized some of my stuff into places until my mom got back. That was when we had laid back on bean bag chairs I had and ate. 

"Leave your door open so I can hear you two!" my mom called from upstairs. 

I started laughing, "You left us home alone, but now that you're home you don't trust us!?"

She started laughing, "Yeah I guess I didn't think that through."

The house didn't echo as much now that my mom had put some stuff around. Our house was still spacey because we didn't bring a ton of furniture. My grandma was going to help my mom get us some more in the next few days.

 We went back to talking and joking around until Trevor stopped and just stared at me.

"What's that?" he asked, pointing to my thumb.

I pulled my thumb back quickly and started rubbing it with my other thumb. Just looking at it brought back memories and I started to tear up. 

He moved to my bean bag and sat next to me, cradling me with his arm. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.. I see it gets to you," he said, wiping a tear off my cheek.

That made me start smiling and I felt myself leaning in to kiss him. He kissed back to my surprise.

Afterwards we just sat there in silence half-hugging, half-cuddling.

I had no idea what situation I just put myself in with him. Was this just a one time thing? Could we ever possibly be more? Especially with Autumn being his cousin. How does he feel about me? I know tons about him because of Autumn! I'd know even more if she didn't get so bored talking about him. But has he ever asked about me? What does he even know really? We didn't text to get to know each other a ton, we just ended up having random funny conversations and telling corny jokes.

I sighed and ended up falling asleep, cuddled up right beside him.

A/N: Chapter two you guys! Leave your comments and opinions please, it'd be greatly appreciated! How did you feel about Tee kissing Trevor? Do you think it's one time, or is it the start of something?

Goals are again, 25 reads, 5 votes, 5 comments. Please.

xoxo, skyler♥

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