Creative Writing.

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I still wasn't enrolled in school here yet, so my weekdays were generally boring without Trevor. My mom was giving me two weeks before I started. Currently, I still had a little more than a week before I had to go. Trevor was a grade above me which kind of sucked, but hey, life is life ya know.

There was at least another few hours before school was out and I was really bored, so I decided to go to the mall.


I woke up from my after-shopping nap to my phone buzzing non-stop. I picked it up and answered it.

"Hey there sleepyhead, I've called you like five times. Can  you get the door, it's pouring outside." Trevor's voice echoed through the receiver.

I laughed and pulled myself upstairs to the door, "You can't just show up unannounced like that."

"Well here I am," Trevor laughed, "Besides, if you would've been awake and saw your texts, you would've known I was coming."

"What brings you around this way?" I asked, trying to sound like I wasn't hoping he'd show up.

"So basically, well, first of all you say that like I don't live within walking distance from you. But honestly I need help."

I got paranoid, "Help? Like... with what?"

We started walking towards my room, "Jesus you look terrified, chill. It's just math."

I busted out laughing, "Math is pretty much a good reason to be terrified."

"You're not good at it are you?" he said, sighing.

I shrugged, "I can be good sometimes. Like two plus two is four. I'm good then."

"Are you twelfth grade grade, fuck they accidentally threw some letters in here and I have no idea how to solve them good?" 

I shook my head quickly, "Google is your best bet."

We finally got to my room and I fell on my bed, Trevor falling on my couch. 

"Well then please tell me you're good at essays. History and science are my thing. Math and creative writing got me fucked up."

"I'm decent. But you gotta do my history and science homework from now on. We can just both struggle with math."

I flipped through a Vogue magazine while Trevor folded a piece of paper into a paper airplane and flew it to me. "That's the prompt." 

"What I Want To Know..." I read aloud, "Write a descriptive essay about something you've always wanted to know, but never found out. Must be at least three pages, double spaced, twelve point font."

"That's so stupid." he said, getting tense just thinking about it. 

I got up and started walking to him "You're overthinking it. It's quite simple. Close your eyes and relax." 

He closed his eyes and laid his head back, I put my hands on his shoulders and he grew more tense. "I said relax." I began massaging his shoulders lightly. "Don't think too much about it. Tell me ten things you've always wondered."

"Umm," he started, "Well why is the sky blue?"

"That's answered by science... Another?"

"For two, is God really real? And if so, is there only one God? What if he's another religion, but he's tolerant of all the other ones because he wants us to be with him still?"

"That's a start.. Anything else?" I asked as I continued massaging.

"Who exactly decided time? What if right now it wasn't really the time we thought it was because the first person ever was wrong? Is the whole world on the wrong time, or since everyone is doing it wrong do we consider it right? What if it actually is right though?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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